The secret to a perfect skin of Japanese women
For deep and painless cleansing need not scrub, namely, foam, Japanese women have long know this, and spend the technique of washing in 2 stages.
You will need: a hydrophilic oil (conventional base), mesh for whipping of the foam soap.
Before procedure it is necessary to remove makeup, if any.
Stage 1.On dry face apply the oil. 0.5 teaspoon of base oil (olive, grape seed, mustard, linseed, etc.), it drip 1-2 drops of essential oil.
Apply the oil with light massage movements and leave for 1-2 minutes. The oil softens the skin and dissolves some impurities and nourishes the skin. You can do a light face massage.
Stage 2. Take the soap (better with silk, aloe and Shea butter), and then the blowing of the sponge-mesh ( the Japanese use a special sponge called avadana).
The blowing of soap until it is very thick foam (the smaller the bubbles, the deeper will be the cleansing of the face). The foam resembles shaving foam.
The foam is applied gently all over the face, not the three the skin, and do not touch face with your hands, but only slightly presses on the top layer of foam, so it will penetrate deep into the pores and removes all dirt.
If the skin is too oily, the foam must hold on the face for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Better to use a Japanese washing in the evening. The skin is almost cleared up it is clear how much better and faster after such a cleaning, soak the used creams and masks. published
Author: Victoria Sazhin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_36184
You will need: a hydrophilic oil (conventional base), mesh for whipping of the foam soap.
Before procedure it is necessary to remove makeup, if any.
Stage 1.On dry face apply the oil. 0.5 teaspoon of base oil (olive, grape seed, mustard, linseed, etc.), it drip 1-2 drops of essential oil.
Apply the oil with light massage movements and leave for 1-2 minutes. The oil softens the skin and dissolves some impurities and nourishes the skin. You can do a light face massage.
Stage 2. Take the soap (better with silk, aloe and Shea butter), and then the blowing of the sponge-mesh ( the Japanese use a special sponge called avadana).
The blowing of soap until it is very thick foam (the smaller the bubbles, the deeper will be the cleansing of the face). The foam resembles shaving foam.
The foam is applied gently all over the face, not the three the skin, and do not touch face with your hands, but only slightly presses on the top layer of foam, so it will penetrate deep into the pores and removes all dirt.
If the skin is too oily, the foam must hold on the face for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Better to use a Japanese washing in the evening. The skin is almost cleared up it is clear how much better and faster after such a cleaning, soak the used creams and masks. published
Author: Victoria Sazhin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_36184