How to make food for the birds?
Food for birds is very important in the cold season, when insects are in hibernation, the fruits and various berries hidden under the snow. These little creatures are bound day and night to look for food, to keep warm from the cold. Restless statistics shows that annually, during the snowfall, blizzards and frosts, killed a huge number of birds. How we can help them? To get all home is not an option, but to help with food is possible.
How to make a bird feeder, most of us know from school lessons. But birds can do it yourself, and he will not be inferior in the vitamin content and nutrients, the purchase.
What you need:
· Flour – ¾ Cup;
· Water – half a glass;
· Gelatin without additives – 2,5 h. spoons;
· Sugar syrup – 3 tbsp.
· Mix food for birds purchased or mixture of cereals – 4 glass.
The volume of glasses or cups that you can measure, unimportant. Most importantly – proportions.
How to do:
1. Take a deep container and mix all these components.
2. Prepare molds, and for this they need to be oiled.
3. Gently spread the mixture into molds and make every hole under the rope.
4. Leaving food to harden for a couple of hours in a warm place.
5. Fasten the rope and feed ready. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: hiji.ru/article/kak-sdelat-korm-dlya-ptits
How to make a bird feeder, most of us know from school lessons. But birds can do it yourself, and he will not be inferior in the vitamin content and nutrients, the purchase.
What you need:
· Flour – ¾ Cup;
· Water – half a glass;
· Gelatin without additives – 2,5 h. spoons;
· Sugar syrup – 3 tbsp.
· Mix food for birds purchased or mixture of cereals – 4 glass.
The volume of glasses or cups that you can measure, unimportant. Most importantly – proportions.
How to do:
1. Take a deep container and mix all these components.
2. Prepare molds, and for this they need to be oiled.
3. Gently spread the mixture into molds and make every hole under the rope.
4. Leaving food to harden for a couple of hours in a warm place.
5. Fasten the rope and feed ready. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: hiji.ru/article/kak-sdelat-korm-dlya-ptits
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