It's hard to believe! Behavior management in children with a diet!
Dr. Doris RAPP is a certified medical specialist and pediatric allergist. She is assistant clinic Professor of Pediatrics state University of new York at Buffalo and founder of the Practical Allergy research. She is the author of the bestseller new York times "is This your child?" (Quill, 1991).
Many parents already know that someone in their family may suffer from hay fever, asthma or eczema. But do they know about what brain functions of a child can affect the food and other environmental factors such as dust or dirt, and because of this, the child develops so-called hyperactivity and learning problems?
A wide range of complaints, such as excess activity, fatigue, bed-wetting, unusual behavior, and even epilepsy in some children can be caused by allergic reactions. Babies with allergies can be so hyperactive that they can "drive" the crib around the room, shaking her, pushing her away from the wall or begin to walk earlier than normal children. If you find and fix it. the child can be helped and symptoms will not, and will not have drugs. Here are a few examples of this:
— At 15, Betsy was depressed and tried to commit suicide every year in late summer, when the air of Northern Michigan is filled with pollen of wormwood. During her first visit to our clinic she seemed to be a normal girl, until we tested her for allergies to mugwort. Then she climbed into the tub and refused to come out. She screamed, she was not to touch, complained of such severe abdominal pain that she curled up and clutched his stomach. After neutralizing gave her the medicine, she felt completely normal in a few mini. Betsy long was a loser in high school, and after her Allergy was discovered and cured her success in school has increased significantly.
— Carl life sweet 3-year-old kid with the wonderful character — while not eating sugar. His mother noticed that if he eats sweets, his character quickly and dramatically changed. We filmed him when he greedily devoured eight cubes of sugar. As predicted by the mother, it is less than an hour transformed from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. First, he stopped playing and quietly began to moan. Then he became more irritable, stamped his feet, threw the toy over his head and threw it into the mother cubes. When he was given the proper anti-allergic medication, within a few minutes, he turned to former adorable child. Mother was in tears. She realized that she was not a bad mother, and that he was not a bad child.
Of children with these symptoms often think they have a mental disorder.
If your child is behaving this way, first show it to a competent doctor — allergist and let it properly examined. It can not only make your parenting years much more enjoyable, but also can save your baby's life.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: many.kabobo.ru/docs/34000/index-11324-1.html?page=4
Many parents already know that someone in their family may suffer from hay fever, asthma or eczema. But do they know about what brain functions of a child can affect the food and other environmental factors such as dust or dirt, and because of this, the child develops so-called hyperactivity and learning problems?
A wide range of complaints, such as excess activity, fatigue, bed-wetting, unusual behavior, and even epilepsy in some children can be caused by allergic reactions. Babies with allergies can be so hyperactive that they can "drive" the crib around the room, shaking her, pushing her away from the wall or begin to walk earlier than normal children. If you find and fix it. the child can be helped and symptoms will not, and will not have drugs. Here are a few examples of this:
— At 15, Betsy was depressed and tried to commit suicide every year in late summer, when the air of Northern Michigan is filled with pollen of wormwood. During her first visit to our clinic she seemed to be a normal girl, until we tested her for allergies to mugwort. Then she climbed into the tub and refused to come out. She screamed, she was not to touch, complained of such severe abdominal pain that she curled up and clutched his stomach. After neutralizing gave her the medicine, she felt completely normal in a few mini. Betsy long was a loser in high school, and after her Allergy was discovered and cured her success in school has increased significantly.
— Carl life sweet 3-year-old kid with the wonderful character — while not eating sugar. His mother noticed that if he eats sweets, his character quickly and dramatically changed. We filmed him when he greedily devoured eight cubes of sugar. As predicted by the mother, it is less than an hour transformed from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. First, he stopped playing and quietly began to moan. Then he became more irritable, stamped his feet, threw the toy over his head and threw it into the mother cubes. When he was given the proper anti-allergic medication, within a few minutes, he turned to former adorable child. Mother was in tears. She realized that she was not a bad mother, and that he was not a bad child.
Of children with these symptoms often think they have a mental disorder.
If your child is behaving this way, first show it to a competent doctor — allergist and let it properly examined. It can not only make your parenting years much more enjoyable, but also can save your baby's life.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: many.kabobo.ru/docs/34000/index-11324-1.html?page=4
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