Week without toys: experiment one mom
Your family could spend at least a day without toys? A week? Mother Olga Korovyakova tried, and she was able to learn a lot about yourself and your baby. Read the story of Olga about the amazing results of this experiment.
Feet, the strange crackling thud and heartbreaking op. Everything is clear, Anya stepped on another machine and plopped on the floor. Run comfort on the road habitually maneuvering between the cubes, pyramids, balls and a whole list of names, feeling like running my growing dissatisfaction with life. About how I imagined the parent branch of hell when he was on the other side. Screaming baby, GW and toys toys toys.
In fact, it is this idea, not considerations about the benefits, Waldorf school, etc. has pushed me to experiment – to try to live a week without toys at all. That night, I strongly, several approaches have hidden all the toys in the back room, and mentally prepared to begin the experiment.
Ninety two million nine hundred fifty eight thousand one hundred forty nine
The first day
In the morning Anya are unable to find the elephant. It was a necessary morning ritual: Anya pushed the button and started doing PA while music was playing. After wandering helplessly around the place where usually was the elephant, she came up to me and imperiously raised his hands, complaining of stress.
Instead of an elephant I asked her to dance together under different music. Dancing lasted for 10-15 minutes and caused a storm of delight. Next we are together Anya was cooking porridge while I poured the cereal with boiling water, she enthusiastically plunged his hands into the second bowl of cereal, she specifically issued for this purpose. It took her another 8 minutes, during which I managed to make my own tea.
After Breakfast, Anya ran to the toy box. Returned astonished, and began to wander near me. By this time I already habitually opened a computer to check mail under the Breakfast – there it was: I quickly saddled, took over Skype and began vigorously to recruit gibberish. Well, the person on the other end quickly realized with whom he was dealing. Again rescued dancing. We have gradually potenziali right up to the first dream.
Upon awakening Anya again made attempts to find toys: had to reluctantly get up and go outside to check up whether mushrooms. There was no mushrooms, the basket was quickly filled with pine cones and acorns. As this came up with the idea than to add to it to make an autumn sensory box. But to realize the idea failed only in the evening, so as to leave the street Anya refused flatly, and no convincing reason to insist (work for a large computer I already decided to move at night, but there is no difference), I was not.But then Anna remembered that the garage has bike and we went riding through the village (and it was my first trip with Anna: she was taken exclusively by the husband).
Came back for dinner (was ready). While I was setting the table, Anya gave the kitchen the usual form: if there is no toys in the course went all plastic containers, which she was able to reach. And then she swung at anything she could reach, but it was, in particular, a large stock of dad's alcohol. I thought grimly that the last time to reorganize the contents of cabinets.
Furtherthe child was issued crayons and album and I sat and watched, not whether she draws on the floor spread out the tablecloth (to explain that we do not draw outside of the album – still useless), simultaneously engaged in filling her basket with scraps of wrapping paper autumn colors, threads and sheets of foam (cut out of sponges).
After EVERY played on an Early start and went to cook dinner. There just came a husband – they are still a little tricky for an Early start, together we washed the dishes, wiped everything that Anya during spilled on the floor, and went to read books. No time to recover – it's time to sleep. Splash in the shower, so the day was.
Impressions from the first day were very optimistic: it seemed that it was much easier than I thought. Of course, I got ahead of myself. To entertain the child within 7 days, anyway, a difficult task. But it is doable. And even enjoyable. I will not describe in detail every day. The approximate order of plus or minus remained, the difference was determined by the fact whether we should cook lunch/dinner, go to the store, etc. Just to share the results and observations.
Overall, the experiment is a pure delight. This week I learned about yourself, your child and the interaction between us is almost more than the previous year and couple of months.
1.Child (aged one year and a half exactly, although I think it applies to children of any age)quite comfortable can do without toys if sufficient attention from the parents (and we are not talking about 100% attention).
2. Toys need more parents to take the child for a time while the parent to take their business. In theory, it has less to touch those toys that require adult participation, however, the load increases significantly – I did not expect that the toys so make your life easier.
3. There will be a large number of new (or rarely used old) sharing activities, and some of them will be in the form of rituals, even after the lifting of the moratorium. This is probably the most important and significant result of the experiment for me. We have a large number of new rituals (appeared hard, sometimes out of despair).
Here's our list:
•Joint dance (baby, baby on the floor repeats for me movement and I repeat the movement for it). The result – during the week Anya had mastered some new moves that are used in dance and in life is not used (for example, lifting the shoulders and squats).
• We have mastered joint bike trip that would depend, and I got an added bonus at some day I tired to comment on everything around and I started to sing (I sing, as you know, bad). Apparently, not to listen to this howl, Anya decided that the best she's singing instead of me. Now I have a child who sings.
• Water fun. As it turned out, my baby could take yourself if you just put her naked in the shower or tub and turn the water on. Without the toys. Max with soap and water.
• Just a funny valeski snuggle with rhymes-songs. Now it really saves when Anya starts to act up outside the house.
4. I got a lot of scientific and creative boost. During this time I myself at home have done: play-doh, moon sand (almost like purchased live), licking, ooblesk. And every time cleaned the kitchen, simultaneously studying ways to do it faster and more efficiently. We have tested a lot of recipes for bubbles, but so far none came. We researched a huge amount of kitchen and utensils not only on the subject of musical interaction with each other, with the interior etc. Anya has rescalable the whole album.
5.I found that collect on the floor, the rump is no better and even worse than toys. That chickpeas can be slippery so than on machines that Laundry is fun, and hang the Laundry on the battery — all that's cool. Imagine my surprise when I came to remove the underwear, but it is not! Anya it entirely outweighed in the other room, bringing along a couple of my things from the bag. And yet it turned out that it is quite able to climb the grid on an Early start, hangs well and does not have to scream.
6. By the end of the week the number of ideas has not diminished, but rather increased. But the time must be given to Ana, declined as a new fun she created for herself. I was even thinking about how to continue the experiment, but grandma came with toys.published
Author: Olga Korovyakova.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/bmshkola?w=wall-61917618_5572
Feet, the strange crackling thud and heartbreaking op. Everything is clear, Anya stepped on another machine and plopped on the floor. Run comfort on the road habitually maneuvering between the cubes, pyramids, balls and a whole list of names, feeling like running my growing dissatisfaction with life. About how I imagined the parent branch of hell when he was on the other side. Screaming baby, GW and toys toys toys.
In fact, it is this idea, not considerations about the benefits, Waldorf school, etc. has pushed me to experiment – to try to live a week without toys at all. That night, I strongly, several approaches have hidden all the toys in the back room, and mentally prepared to begin the experiment.
Ninety two million nine hundred fifty eight thousand one hundred forty nine
The first day
In the morning Anya are unable to find the elephant. It was a necessary morning ritual: Anya pushed the button and started doing PA while music was playing. After wandering helplessly around the place where usually was the elephant, she came up to me and imperiously raised his hands, complaining of stress.
Instead of an elephant I asked her to dance together under different music. Dancing lasted for 10-15 minutes and caused a storm of delight. Next we are together Anya was cooking porridge while I poured the cereal with boiling water, she enthusiastically plunged his hands into the second bowl of cereal, she specifically issued for this purpose. It took her another 8 minutes, during which I managed to make my own tea.
After Breakfast, Anya ran to the toy box. Returned astonished, and began to wander near me. By this time I already habitually opened a computer to check mail under the Breakfast – there it was: I quickly saddled, took over Skype and began vigorously to recruit gibberish. Well, the person on the other end quickly realized with whom he was dealing. Again rescued dancing. We have gradually potenziali right up to the first dream.
Upon awakening Anya again made attempts to find toys: had to reluctantly get up and go outside to check up whether mushrooms. There was no mushrooms, the basket was quickly filled with pine cones and acorns. As this came up with the idea than to add to it to make an autumn sensory box. But to realize the idea failed only in the evening, so as to leave the street Anya refused flatly, and no convincing reason to insist (work for a large computer I already decided to move at night, but there is no difference), I was not.But then Anna remembered that the garage has bike and we went riding through the village (and it was my first trip with Anna: she was taken exclusively by the husband).
Came back for dinner (was ready). While I was setting the table, Anya gave the kitchen the usual form: if there is no toys in the course went all plastic containers, which she was able to reach. And then she swung at anything she could reach, but it was, in particular, a large stock of dad's alcohol. I thought grimly that the last time to reorganize the contents of cabinets.
Furtherthe child was issued crayons and album and I sat and watched, not whether she draws on the floor spread out the tablecloth (to explain that we do not draw outside of the album – still useless), simultaneously engaged in filling her basket with scraps of wrapping paper autumn colors, threads and sheets of foam (cut out of sponges).
After EVERY played on an Early start and went to cook dinner. There just came a husband – they are still a little tricky for an Early start, together we washed the dishes, wiped everything that Anya during spilled on the floor, and went to read books. No time to recover – it's time to sleep. Splash in the shower, so the day was.
Impressions from the first day were very optimistic: it seemed that it was much easier than I thought. Of course, I got ahead of myself. To entertain the child within 7 days, anyway, a difficult task. But it is doable. And even enjoyable. I will not describe in detail every day. The approximate order of plus or minus remained, the difference was determined by the fact whether we should cook lunch/dinner, go to the store, etc. Just to share the results and observations.
Overall, the experiment is a pure delight. This week I learned about yourself, your child and the interaction between us is almost more than the previous year and couple of months.
1.Child (aged one year and a half exactly, although I think it applies to children of any age)quite comfortable can do without toys if sufficient attention from the parents (and we are not talking about 100% attention).
2. Toys need more parents to take the child for a time while the parent to take their business. In theory, it has less to touch those toys that require adult participation, however, the load increases significantly – I did not expect that the toys so make your life easier.
3. There will be a large number of new (or rarely used old) sharing activities, and some of them will be in the form of rituals, even after the lifting of the moratorium. This is probably the most important and significant result of the experiment for me. We have a large number of new rituals (appeared hard, sometimes out of despair).
Here's our list:
•Joint dance (baby, baby on the floor repeats for me movement and I repeat the movement for it). The result – during the week Anya had mastered some new moves that are used in dance and in life is not used (for example, lifting the shoulders and squats).
• We have mastered joint bike trip that would depend, and I got an added bonus at some day I tired to comment on everything around and I started to sing (I sing, as you know, bad). Apparently, not to listen to this howl, Anya decided that the best she's singing instead of me. Now I have a child who sings.
• Water fun. As it turned out, my baby could take yourself if you just put her naked in the shower or tub and turn the water on. Without the toys. Max with soap and water.
• Just a funny valeski snuggle with rhymes-songs. Now it really saves when Anya starts to act up outside the house.
4. I got a lot of scientific and creative boost. During this time I myself at home have done: play-doh, moon sand (almost like purchased live), licking, ooblesk. And every time cleaned the kitchen, simultaneously studying ways to do it faster and more efficiently. We have tested a lot of recipes for bubbles, but so far none came. We researched a huge amount of kitchen and utensils not only on the subject of musical interaction with each other, with the interior etc. Anya has rescalable the whole album.
5.I found that collect on the floor, the rump is no better and even worse than toys. That chickpeas can be slippery so than on machines that Laundry is fun, and hang the Laundry on the battery — all that's cool. Imagine my surprise when I came to remove the underwear, but it is not! Anya it entirely outweighed in the other room, bringing along a couple of my things from the bag. And yet it turned out that it is quite able to climb the grid on an Early start, hangs well and does not have to scream.
6. By the end of the week the number of ideas has not diminished, but rather increased. But the time must be given to Ana, declined as a new fun she created for herself. I was even thinking about how to continue the experiment, but grandma came with toys.published
Author: Olga Korovyakova.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/bmshkola?w=wall-61917618_5572