That's why you need to rinse hair with a solution of ordinary Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an incredibly useful product for the human body. It is used for internal and external use to improve virtually all organs.

Today we will tell you how you can improve your hair using this tool, make them silky and thick. No purchase of the balm you don't get the same effect as from the conventional Apple cider vinegar!

Apple cider vinegar for rinsing hair

Apple cider vinegar has the following effects on hair:

  • nourishes curls;
  • gives strands Shine, softness and silkiness;
  • makes them smooth;
  • strengthens;
  • accelerates the growth;
  • removes dandruff and itching;
  • removes excess fat;
  • makes the curls thick and strong;
  • prevents breakage and cross-section of the strands;
  • facilitates combing and putting in the hair;
  • gives the strands rich color;
  • wash off paint residues;
  • restores the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp;
  • prevents electrification;
  • regenerates damaged by chemical procedures, the structure of the strands.
The main condition for the application of Apple cider vinegar for healing of hair — use only natural product. You can also take grape and even raspberry vinegar, but they are more expensive Apple. "Table" vinegar will not work — it is chemically derived, not from natural raw materials.

How to apply:

1. Take a saucepan or a small bowl (approximately 1 liter), pour cool water and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (do not increase the amount of vinegar per liter of water, otherwise the hair may remain smell). If you're afraid that the hair will be unpleasant smell, can add a few drops of essential oil. The most useful hair — ylang-ylang.

2. After shampooing rinse your hair with water with vinegar. Rinse with water with vinegar is not necessary. On wet hair can feel a faint smell of vinegar, but once the hair dries, the smell will remain.

3. After rinsing the hair, wring them out and wrap in a towel. When they are almost dry, take off the towel, comb and dry without using hair dryer.


If you wish to have healthy hair, Apple cider vinegar will help you to improve their condition. After 2-3 applications of this tool you will notice the result! published


See also:

The secret recipe of trichologist

This home cosmetics for face gives an amazing effect!


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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