Differences ECOVILLAGES from villages and cottage settlements
Many do not fully understand the differences between a settlement or in another settlement, consisting of kin's domains, from the usual villages or the modern cottage settlements. But there is a difference. She is, in my opinion, is huge.
Single thought
In the settlement people come together on its own likeness. Yes. Just so. This does not mean that all are the same. On the contrary, people here are so multi-faceted and very different. But still a single way of thinking on many important issues. For example, for HLS, against any violence (and it's not only people), kind, and most of all friendly relations with neighbors, against chemicals, in harmony with nature and so on...
Ninety nine million four hundred fifty three thousand eight hundred fifty
The settlers are free to choose their neighbors themselves. Because each new family is approved in a public vote. And only after the stage of Dating candidates with other settlers.
As for villages and cottage settlements, the neighbors already pure chance, roulette. Maybe you're lucky and in the future they will become your close friends, and maybe not lucky. Cases of hostility "from generation to generation" due to 20 centimetres of the earth and do not have to tell their weight. Briefly mention the more rustic alcoholics who drink all that is possible and not possible... I personally do not the spirit of this neighborhood.
Kin estate
Another important difference between ecovillages in the fact that the settlers of their life — a dream come true. Further they are engaged in the construction of his estate, making it more and more beautiful year after year. Changing the surrounding space with such love that the grown up children are not even imagined a "Paradise" area. Because of these paths stomped their tiny feet, and the Apple tree with juicy fruits were planted in honor of their birth parents yet.
Village, the same people often (not saying all) are not happy with your life and dream about the city, or at the very least, the district. For residents of cottage settlements also tend to change the plot to a larger or closer to the water. The settlers also very attached to their land and not the land size or square footage of the house.
Does not work, and occupation
Another difference is in the attitude to work. Although I prefer another designation — employment, income-generating. And pleasure. To this aim the inhabitants of the settlements. To do what you enjoy and make a profit. A lot of options.
The settlers try to work directly on the site. Or at least nearby. To ride in the city was not necessary.
Approach to the territory
Very different plots in the settlements from the village and cottage and housing estates of settlement, even superficially. Here are building three-metre fences. Instead of brick masonry or corrugated sheet plant a hedge of trees and shrubs. She pleases the eye, and repair is not required.
The alley now even in suburban communities are more like prison corridors. Go, and around the sheet metal.
You will not see in villages the usual cottage settlements of plenty of concrete walkways and pavers. Instead of the path. And between plots than tarmac and good dirt road.
Common space
In villages usually there are always common areas. The territory is looked after by all together. On this site are common homes and houses, lake, Playground, sports equipment — whatever you want the settlers.
In the common house in our community are festivals and meetings. There are already folk and various sports clubs. For kids carry out interesting lessons. The settlers hold festivals, tours, master-classes and competitions. Social life is very interesting and varied!
Forty eight million six hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred sixty five
No animal was hurt
As already stated above, in settlements of any violence is unacceptable. This is another difference. You can be sure that on the neighbouring plot to curtail the neck of the chicken or cut the throat of the calf... Sounds tough, right?
Moreover, many of the settlers vegetarians. There are raw foodists, and those who consume meat. At the plate, nobody looks and does not condemn the diet of the neighbors. But killing animals on the territory of the settlement — a taboo!
Also interesting: Ecovillage – a life outside the city
Methods of earnings in ekoposeleniy
In fact, to live according to the principles of an ecovillage in the village, and a cottage on a deserted farm. The difference is only in the absence or small number of like-minded people. Our neighbors - people with whom interesting to talk and argue, laugh and cry, work and relax. The settlement of the estates're like a big family of like-minded people. published
Author: Arthur Gimaev
Source: vk.com/nashepomestie?w=wall-125135807_29
Single thought
In the settlement people come together on its own likeness. Yes. Just so. This does not mean that all are the same. On the contrary, people here are so multi-faceted and very different. But still a single way of thinking on many important issues. For example, for HLS, against any violence (and it's not only people), kind, and most of all friendly relations with neighbors, against chemicals, in harmony with nature and so on...
Ninety nine million four hundred fifty three thousand eight hundred fifty
The settlers are free to choose their neighbors themselves. Because each new family is approved in a public vote. And only after the stage of Dating candidates with other settlers.
As for villages and cottage settlements, the neighbors already pure chance, roulette. Maybe you're lucky and in the future they will become your close friends, and maybe not lucky. Cases of hostility "from generation to generation" due to 20 centimetres of the earth and do not have to tell their weight. Briefly mention the more rustic alcoholics who drink all that is possible and not possible... I personally do not the spirit of this neighborhood.
Kin estate
Another important difference between ecovillages in the fact that the settlers of their life — a dream come true. Further they are engaged in the construction of his estate, making it more and more beautiful year after year. Changing the surrounding space with such love that the grown up children are not even imagined a "Paradise" area. Because of these paths stomped their tiny feet, and the Apple tree with juicy fruits were planted in honor of their birth parents yet.
Village, the same people often (not saying all) are not happy with your life and dream about the city, or at the very least, the district. For residents of cottage settlements also tend to change the plot to a larger or closer to the water. The settlers also very attached to their land and not the land size or square footage of the house.
Does not work, and occupation
Another difference is in the attitude to work. Although I prefer another designation — employment, income-generating. And pleasure. To this aim the inhabitants of the settlements. To do what you enjoy and make a profit. A lot of options.
The settlers try to work directly on the site. Or at least nearby. To ride in the city was not necessary.
Approach to the territory
Very different plots in the settlements from the village and cottage and housing estates of settlement, even superficially. Here are building three-metre fences. Instead of brick masonry or corrugated sheet plant a hedge of trees and shrubs. She pleases the eye, and repair is not required.
The alley now even in suburban communities are more like prison corridors. Go, and around the sheet metal.
You will not see in villages the usual cottage settlements of plenty of concrete walkways and pavers. Instead of the path. And between plots than tarmac and good dirt road.
Common space
In villages usually there are always common areas. The territory is looked after by all together. On this site are common homes and houses, lake, Playground, sports equipment — whatever you want the settlers.
In the common house in our community are festivals and meetings. There are already folk and various sports clubs. For kids carry out interesting lessons. The settlers hold festivals, tours, master-classes and competitions. Social life is very interesting and varied!
Forty eight million six hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred sixty five
No animal was hurt
As already stated above, in settlements of any violence is unacceptable. This is another difference. You can be sure that on the neighbouring plot to curtail the neck of the chicken or cut the throat of the calf... Sounds tough, right?
Moreover, many of the settlers vegetarians. There are raw foodists, and those who consume meat. At the plate, nobody looks and does not condemn the diet of the neighbors. But killing animals on the territory of the settlement — a taboo!
Also interesting: Ecovillage – a life outside the city
Methods of earnings in ekoposeleniy
In fact, to live according to the principles of an ecovillage in the village, and a cottage on a deserted farm. The difference is only in the absence or small number of like-minded people. Our neighbors - people with whom interesting to talk and argue, laugh and cry, work and relax. The settlement of the estates're like a big family of like-minded people. published
Author: Arthur Gimaev
Source: vk.com/nashepomestie?w=wall-125135807_29