Roger Allsopp, who has swum the English channel
Roger Allsopp has swum the English channel in 65 years. Then went and swam again in 70. His swim lasted for almost 18 hours at a water temperature of about 16 degrees. Both of these feat, Allsopp made for the sake of health. Not just their own.
The idea is to get from England to France to swim, as is characteristic of many great ideas, visited Roger Allsopp at the bar. In Dover, on the shores of the English channel, there is a pub "the White horse". Walls decorated with signatures of the brave, swim across the Strait. Once on the wall of the White horse, Allsopp saw the inscription: "George Brunstad, the oldest man to swim the English channel. 70 years and three days." This inscription he remembered, and he decided that one day will beat that record.
By the age of 65 Roger Allsop, surgeon-oncologist by profession, was already retired, but still wanted to contribute to the fight against cancer. He decided to cross the English channel and using the swim to raise money for cancer research centre.
"By the time I was an experienced swimmer, although such a long distance never swam," he explains.
Overcome by swimming 64 miles and once on the other side, Allsopp (unsurprisingly) felt completely exhausted. He was ready to swear that never in my life will not repeat this crazy adventure.
But the fatigue has passed, and the record of American predecessor, is still reminded of his from the wall of the White horse. Moreover, the medical center still needed money for equipment and research.
In August 2011, 70-year-old Allsopp they waited for good weather, went to sea in a pink bathing cap and swimming trunks and dived into the water.
This time he was not just difficult — almost unbearable. Waves were few, but the swim was at the time of high tide, especially at this time strong currents. When it come dark, friends and helpers, who for the whole journey was accompanied by Roger Allsopp on the ship (touch the ship, the swimmer was strictly forbidden), encouraged him whistling and shouting. 200 meters to the shore, when it seemed that Allsopp finally exhausted, his girlfriend jumped into the sea, began pounding the water with his hands and shout, "Swim! Swim! You're almost there! I see ahead on the shore, the light? This light is for you now — all!"
Both swam as were out of the water, Roger Allsopp't remember. He came only halfway home. Over 18 hours spent in the waters of the English channel, he lost weight six pounds. But the expert of the Guinness Book of records personally recorded record: Roger Allsopp was 70 years and 4 months.
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Roger says that for anything in the world no longer dare to cross the English channel alone. This is too extreme a test. So he's just not aiming at records, swims in the sea for 20-30 minutes every day at any time of the year, even in winter, when the water temperature is not more than 9 degrees. And last summer swam from England to France in the team for every swimmer got a quarter distance.
As doctor Roger Allsopp believes that the ability to a healthy and active life in older age depends, first, on genetic tendencies, and secondly, from the physical and mental activity. "It is necessary constantly to exercise your body and your brain, and it is also reasonable to eat", he recommends.published
Author: Tatiana Krylova
Source: theageofhappiness.com/posts/rodzher-ollsoppkotoryy-pereplyl-la-mansh/L2PYBUrw9s
The idea is to get from England to France to swim, as is characteristic of many great ideas, visited Roger Allsopp at the bar. In Dover, on the shores of the English channel, there is a pub "the White horse". Walls decorated with signatures of the brave, swim across the Strait. Once on the wall of the White horse, Allsopp saw the inscription: "George Brunstad, the oldest man to swim the English channel. 70 years and three days." This inscription he remembered, and he decided that one day will beat that record.

By the age of 65 Roger Allsop, surgeon-oncologist by profession, was already retired, but still wanted to contribute to the fight against cancer. He decided to cross the English channel and using the swim to raise money for cancer research centre.
"By the time I was an experienced swimmer, although such a long distance never swam," he explains.
Overcome by swimming 64 miles and once on the other side, Allsopp (unsurprisingly) felt completely exhausted. He was ready to swear that never in my life will not repeat this crazy adventure.
But the fatigue has passed, and the record of American predecessor, is still reminded of his from the wall of the White horse. Moreover, the medical center still needed money for equipment and research.
In August 2011, 70-year-old Allsopp they waited for good weather, went to sea in a pink bathing cap and swimming trunks and dived into the water.
This time he was not just difficult — almost unbearable. Waves were few, but the swim was at the time of high tide, especially at this time strong currents. When it come dark, friends and helpers, who for the whole journey was accompanied by Roger Allsopp on the ship (touch the ship, the swimmer was strictly forbidden), encouraged him whistling and shouting. 200 meters to the shore, when it seemed that Allsopp finally exhausted, his girlfriend jumped into the sea, began pounding the water with his hands and shout, "Swim! Swim! You're almost there! I see ahead on the shore, the light? This light is for you now — all!"
Both swam as were out of the water, Roger Allsopp't remember. He came only halfway home. Over 18 hours spent in the waters of the English channel, he lost weight six pounds. But the expert of the Guinness Book of records personally recorded record: Roger Allsopp was 70 years and 4 months.
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Roger says that for anything in the world no longer dare to cross the English channel alone. This is too extreme a test. So he's just not aiming at records, swims in the sea for 20-30 minutes every day at any time of the year, even in winter, when the water temperature is not more than 9 degrees. And last summer swam from England to France in the team for every swimmer got a quarter distance.
As doctor Roger Allsopp believes that the ability to a healthy and active life in older age depends, first, on genetic tendencies, and secondly, from the physical and mental activity. "It is necessary constantly to exercise your body and your brain, and it is also reasonable to eat", he recommends.published
Author: Tatiana Krylova
Source: theageofhappiness.com/posts/rodzher-ollsoppkotoryy-pereplyl-la-mansh/L2PYBUrw9s