12 phrases that will make you believe that any change is good

Surprisingly, despite the black and white stripes, which come in everyone's life, it is man himself responsible for his happiness. Every time I meet with difficulties, he makes his choice: to give up or just to look at the situation from a new angle, to die or to get new inspiration.
Website realized that in fact neither black nor white. There is only your perception.

Illustrator Anna Pavlova specially for the Website
See also
15 illustrations that tell all about love and romance
20 funny comic strips about our lives
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/20-zabavnyh-komiksov-o-nashej-zhizni-1105960/
15 of the coolest of my answers, if I interview dream
The brothers have created million business with one question that my mom asked them every day