It Thor - gorgeous cat, which nature has painted perfectly

Bengal cats are considered to be one of the most zalipatelnyh rocks on earth: admire their fur and wild grace can be infinite. Tor is just one of them. This handsome already conquered their online photos, which he may be the regal beast, is home SEAL.
Revision Website admired his feline majesty of Thor and is pleased to share the most mesmerizing pictures.
At a glance this cat becomes clear who is the boss
His grace can only envy
it did not distinguish from this predator
But at the same time, he loves attention and affection
and, of course, Thor likes to luxuriate in bed
so he takes a break from his daily affairs, such as dance
Sometimes Tor sports so much, that is in a quandary
more and no rebound from the fans: always send flowers
in general, be such a great cat sometimes very tiring
Thank you, Thor, you did our day just zamurchatelnym
Photos on preview bengalthor / instagram.com
Based on materials boredpanda.com
See also:
Elusive sand cat appeared in public for the first time in 10 years
If cats were kings, only Maine Coons
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