That's why you should never post photos of their children on the Internet!
We love our children and do not miss the opportunity to share their pride, their happiness to be parents cute, smart, funny kids. Modern parents often spread on the Internet a variety of family photos in which the child is present.
And our information - is not a reason to hide from the public their child! But it is a reminder that we need to be reasonable, posting any information about themselves and their children on the Internet. This is especially true Baby photo !
Publication Photo7 reasons not to publish the children's photos on the Internet Location Services
Photo may include information about where the child spends most of the time. Criminals can easily track the location, drawing attention to the geolocation tag! Hobbies and leisure
If you place a picture on the Internet, showing the baby craze would be valuable information from an unknown fraudster. Child is easy to deceive and lure anywhere, knowing about his hobbies and interests. Official data strong>
Never put in a child's photo Network with the passport or other documents! This is obvious, but many people do like to brag just a passport or visa ... Placement of such a photo - not as a frivolous activity, what do you think information about this property <! /
You can not upload photos of your children near the machine - in the photo can be lit license plate for security reasons parents this is not worth doing Photos half-dressed in the form
. Innocent baby photo can become a lure for sick perverts. Do not forget that by publishing in any social network cute pictures of his baby! Compromising
Some photos may compromise the future of your child! No one thinks about it, publishing a strange and funny pictures, but the reality is that the Internet saves them, and when the child grows up, it can ruin his life. We often forget about it, but our children's pictures, which cause shame for hapless photographers-parents need to see only the closest people. Claims other parents
Do not publish photos of the child with his friend without the permission of his parents! This can lead to serious trouble if they were against such action on your part.
Remember that the placement of photos on the Internet may entail various consequences! Be careful and prudent, take care of your family safety. Modern criminals do not miss an opportunity to monitor the victims using the Internet ...
Share this article to all your friends, remind them of the necessary precautions on the web!
And our information - is not a reason to hide from the public their child! But it is a reminder that we need to be reasonable, posting any information about themselves and their children on the Internet. This is especially true Baby photo !
Publication Photo7 reasons not to publish the children's photos on the Internet Location Services
Photo may include information about where the child spends most of the time. Criminals can easily track the location, drawing attention to the geolocation tag! Hobbies and leisure
If you place a picture on the Internet, showing the baby craze would be valuable information from an unknown fraudster. Child is easy to deceive and lure anywhere, knowing about his hobbies and interests. Official data strong>
Never put in a child's photo Network with the passport or other documents! This is obvious, but many people do like to brag just a passport or visa ... Placement of such a photo - not as a frivolous activity, what do you think information about this property <! /
You can not upload photos of your children near the machine - in the photo can be lit license plate for security reasons parents this is not worth doing Photos half-dressed in the form
. Innocent baby photo can become a lure for sick perverts. Do not forget that by publishing in any social network cute pictures of his baby! Compromising
Some photos may compromise the future of your child! No one thinks about it, publishing a strange and funny pictures, but the reality is that the Internet saves them, and when the child grows up, it can ruin his life. We often forget about it, but our children's pictures, which cause shame for hapless photographers-parents need to see only the closest people. Claims other parents
Do not publish photos of the child with his friend without the permission of his parents! This can lead to serious trouble if they were against such action on your part.
Remember that the placement of photos on the Internet may entail various consequences! Be careful and prudent, take care of your family safety. Modern criminals do not miss an opportunity to monitor the victims using the Internet ...
Share this article to all your friends, remind them of the necessary precautions on the web!
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