45 books in the fall

1. R. Bradbury - Dandelion Wine
2. D. Foer - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
3. EM Remarque - Three
friend 4. C. Palahniuk - Fight Club
5. Anonymous - Go Ask Alice
6. D. Green - Looking for Alaska
7. D ... Salinger Catcher in the Rye
8. Christiane F. - I, my friends and ...
9. P. Bright - Lost souls
10. R. Bradbury - 451 degrees Fahrenheit
11. S. King - The Shining
12. F. Dostoevsky - Netochka
13. M. E. Remarque - Borrowed Life
14. L. Oliver - the trilogy "Delirium»
15. V. Roth - the trilogy "Divergent»
16. P. Giordano - Solitude of Prime Numbers
17. C. Ahern - I do not believe. I hope not. love
18. D. Kwok - Girl in translation
19. D. Fitch - White Oleander
20. Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
21. M. Monroe - Teach me to die
22. F. Dostoevsky - Prestulenie and Punishment
23. Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
24. D. Dantorn -
Submarine 25. E. Siebold -
Lovely Bones 26. D. Green - Paper Towns
27. S. Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
28. M. Bulgakov - Master and Margarita
29. K. Ishiguro - Do not let me
30. P. Coelho - Veronika Decides to Die
31. H. Murakami - Norwegian Forest
32. E. Lou - is naive. Super
33. Jean-Paul Sartre - Nausea
34. M. Bulgakov - Heart of a Dog
35. K. Kesey - Over the Cuckoo's Nest
36. H. Murakami - Kafka on the beach
37. Ian McEwan - Redemption
38. B. Werber - Empire
Angels 39. K. Daniel - Flowers for Algernon
40. S. King - 11/22/63
41. Stanislaw Lem - Solaris
42. E. Hemingway - a holiday that is always with you
43. Robert Heinlein - The Door into Summer
44. Charles Bukowski - Waste paper
45. D. Picoult - Nineteen minutes