Recent discoveries of scientists and the Vedas.
Many modern scholars and researchers believe the Vedas most ancient knowledge on the planet and subjected to serious study, in the course of doing research a lot of interesting discoveries. Many talented people and drew their inspiration for their scientific or literary activity in the deep wisdom of the Vedas. Famous people of the past, such as J. Goethe, Einstein, R. Emerson, Tolstoy and many others admired the Vedic message.
Here, for example, plastic surgery. In today's world, the German doctors officially opened this science in 1968. However, there is a Vedic literatures like Sushruta Samhita, which is more than 4,000 years. It fully describes the section of plastic surgery. If you compare the amount of modern science with the volume, so even a description of the subject, all surgical supplies, you will be shocked. So, one hundred and modern science in this area does not even cover one-thousandth of all knowledge described in this work.
Prosthetics. But not the prosthesis, which we have seen somewhere, in fairy tales or films - instead of legs some stick which goes man. Under prostheses have in mind as much as possible to perform the functions of lost limbs and organs of the device. In the 20th century began to develop such a system, filling a small, compared to the Vedic knowledge, the percentage of lost functions of organs or limbs. Rigveda describes a huge section of prosthetics and most exciting - there drawings and descriptions of how to create prostheses that give the effect that the person simply just does not feel the limb, but all other functions are performed completely. There is also a description of what you can do eye, which will see to distinguish shapes and colors.
The number of chromosomes. In 1890, the year has been scientifically recorded the number of chromosomes. This work, as the Mahabharata, numbering 5,000 years (now scientists have proved that this work chronologically, genuine, describing the course of real events) gives a huge section where fully explains it very simply, clearly, accurately.
Connect the male and female chromosomes in the zygote. Bhagavata Purana, Srimad-Bhagavatam fully explains all these processes. The fact that the child can hear the heartbeat at the 2nd month of pregnancy opens Robinson in 1972, the year. All this describes a fully detailed and meticulously Aitrach-Upanishads, Bhagavata Purana.
Artificial insemination scientists of our time open only in 1978. Mahabharata fully describes all these processes.
The increase in life expectancy at space travel, all scales and measuring speed of movement, as well as the effect of time, cell division into three layers describes the Bhagavata Purana.
All organisms are listed in the Mahabharata. Life in the plants, all the Vedic tradition, the study of the nature of sleep is in the Prasna Upanishad and Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali,.
All Sudarshan opening in 1968, nuclear weapons describe Mahabharata and the Bhagavata Purana. There are some works that allows you to learn how to do it - by using certain sound vibrations. It also describes the use of sound for the destruction and creation of material objects that a hypothesis put forward Gabriel in 1964
Black holes are described in the Mundaka Upanishad, fully revealed the nature of these black holes.
Subatomic particles, the aircraft - the Rigveda, Ramayana.Podvodnye boats, photography, filming, photo shooting, telephoto, television, everything imaginable and unimaginable now - all described in the Vedic literature.