The best recipe for strengthening the metabolism minus 5 kg for a short time!
It may seem surprising, but this product is sweet as honey, will help in your quest for harmony! We just need to start using it in a special way ...
This active mixture secret - the impact on the gastrointestinal tract. < Honey with cinnamon help cleanse the body of parasites and toxins. At first, from the reception means thinner stomach, then - everything else. The result seemed to me excellent, waist narrowed a week!
cinnamon with honey for pohudeniyaIngredienty
This active mixture secret - the impact on the gastrointestinal tract. < Honey with cinnamon help cleanse the body of parasites and toxins. At first, from the reception means thinner stomach, then - everything else. The result seemed to me excellent, waist narrowed a week!

cinnamon with honey for pohudeniyaIngredienty
- 0, 5, ch. L. cinnamon
- 1 hour. l. honey
- 1 tbsp. boiling water
Preparation- Pour cinnamon boiling water and let it brew, closing the glass cover.
- When the water has cooled, add honey and stir the drink. Let it brew of cinnamon-honey mixture for several hours
- Take a drink twice a day. Half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and half a cup in the evening before going to bed
. Do not add any additional ingredients in the mead and keep the exact proportions specified in the recipe. It is important that honey, which you will use, was of good quality, bought from reliable people.
Miraculous spice, burn fat, and honey, which stabilizes blood sugar levels, help you speed up the metabolism and cause weight back to normal. Not a bit sorry that I tried this recipe to yourself - great effect! Throughout the day you do not want to eat sweets, the stomach is working fine, but reduced weight confident ... Be sure to advise the recipe girlfriends!
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