23 ungainly animals, the existence of which is hard to believe
Nature never ceases to amaze. And as soon as it was possible to think of such creatures?
1. Pangolin
Enough to fool our heads - we know what you really artichoke
2. Voss
This strange cat medvedeobraznaya suspiciously like Mark Wahlberg, is not it?
3. Lilac-breasted roller
It is as if made of cotton candy and old children's coloring.
4. Glaucus atlanticus
Yes this is a real pokemon!
5. Prickly bush viper
Just imagine what it pleasant to the touch.
6. Dzherboa
Is that a mouse on passerine legs?
7. Dumbo Octopus
Look at these adorable ears!
8. Goblin shark
That someone had to shoot in "Jaws" - nightmares guaranteed
9. Purple Frog
Someone could do with a little bone to grow.
10. Hummingbird hawk-moth
Either bird, or mole, or a furry bullet with wings.
11. Desert microhylidae
This frog like the Nuggets, who dropped in the sand.
12. Maned wolf
Cool socks, lady.
13. Mantis
Proud of its participation in the Broadway production of "The Little Mermaid».
14. Okapi
Reminiscent of the car after the accident, which established a bumper of a different color.
15. Patagonian mara
Amazing cross between a hare and a Yorkshire Terrier.
16. Gerenuk
Also known as a deer with a neck of a giraffe.
17. Pink fairy armadillo
Feeling as if his back put the nail invoice.
18. Bat Darwin
Poured Grombl of the "real monster»!
19. Saiga
Fluffy, a golden retriever. If it's an image to put on a t-shirt, it is sure to be wearing Kanye West.
20. Shoebill
How did he manage to escape from the universe only Piar?
21. Tufted deer
The fruit of love deer and walrus.
22. Malay flying lemurs
Who are you kidding, stretched protein?
23. Kanchil
Just feast your eyes on this loaf of bread on four toothpicks.!
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1. Pangolin
Enough to fool our heads - we know what you really artichoke

2. Voss
This strange cat medvedeobraznaya suspiciously like Mark Wahlberg, is not it?

3. Lilac-breasted roller
It is as if made of cotton candy and old children's coloring.

4. Glaucus atlanticus
Yes this is a real pokemon!

5. Prickly bush viper
Just imagine what it pleasant to the touch.

6. Dzherboa
Is that a mouse on passerine legs?

7. Dumbo Octopus
Look at these adorable ears!

8. Goblin shark
That someone had to shoot in "Jaws" - nightmares guaranteed

9. Purple Frog
Someone could do with a little bone to grow.

10. Hummingbird hawk-moth
Either bird, or mole, or a furry bullet with wings.

11. Desert microhylidae
This frog like the Nuggets, who dropped in the sand.

12. Maned wolf
Cool socks, lady.

13. Mantis
Proud of its participation in the Broadway production of "The Little Mermaid».

14. Okapi
Reminiscent of the car after the accident, which established a bumper of a different color.

15. Patagonian mara
Amazing cross between a hare and a Yorkshire Terrier.

16. Gerenuk
Also known as a deer with a neck of a giraffe.

17. Pink fairy armadillo
Feeling as if his back put the nail invoice.

18. Bat Darwin
Poured Grombl of the "real monster»!

19. Saiga
Fluffy, a golden retriever. If it's an image to put on a t-shirt, it is sure to be wearing Kanye West.

20. Shoebill
How did he manage to escape from the universe only Piar?

21. Tufted deer
The fruit of love deer and walrus.

22. Malay flying lemurs
Who are you kidding, stretched protein?

23. Kanchil
Just feast your eyes on this loaf of bread on four toothpicks.!

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