The top 10 articles from the "Just So!" In 2015. The fact that it was impossible to miss!
The entire 2015 edition of «Website» to seek a better life hacking, tips and recipes for you. It is time to take stock, and we have prepared 10 best articles this year that our readers like best!
Top Articles 2015 You can not forgive their teachers for what they did not show you these 10 math tricks!
If you're not familiar with the math - it's not your fault, you just have not been taught in school that math tricks. It is a pity that they can not be found in conventional lessons math , because such tricks all calculations are elementary.
➜ takprosto.cc/prostye-matematicheskie-tryuki
Do not you dare throw corks from wine! You will be delighted by the fact that one can do.
Are you a wine lover? So you can always find a few stoppers from bottles ➜ takprosto.cc/kak-ispolzovat-probki-ot-vina
22 life hacking kitchen, invented a genius. This does not even know your mother!
You have a chance to learn the tricks by which your skills in the kitchen will be second to none. Learn how to store vegetables and fruit, boil eggs, and save foods from spoiling too quickly.
➜ takprosto.cc/kuhonnye-layfhaki
Mask for hair growth of a madman. Do not say I did not warn you
Restore hair and give them energy for active growth - what is to do immediately! Hair can change the face of the person.
Regular features in 3 minutes. All you need - a brush and foundation
! Basic lesson professional makeup per day. It's as easy as to put lipstick or mascara, but the result, no doubt, will exceed all your expectations!
➜ takprosto.cc/kak-podcherknut-cherty-lica
4 morning procedures, which should start to your day. Make it a habit!
The most effective treatments that are performed in the morning after you wake up ➜ takprosto.cc/utrennie-procedury-dlya-zdorovya
You do not even know what a your cell phone! See if it works!
Especially for you «Website» has prepared a selection of useful features of your mobile phone, which you could not guess.
➜ takprosto.cc/skrytye-vozmozhnosti-mobilnogo-telefona
10 countries, where it is better to be born a man. Women to get a foot ...
you'll be surprised when you find out that there is still space left on the planet where women are subjected to violence, repression, exclusion and discrimination.
➜ takprosto.cc/10-stran-mira-opasnyh-dlya-zhenshchin 40,813,953
Here's what happens if you put in the ear a slice of onion. Why did not I know this before?
One of the wonderful tools, which was used by our grandmothers is the usual bow ➜ takprosto.cc/chto-sluchitsya-esli-polozhit-luk-v-uho
All groomed girls know about it for a long time! 23 rules that will be any beauty.
If you do not like yourself - it's not a reason to give up. Rather, you should use tips that will help to obtain a great physical form and look attractive ➜ takprosto.cc/pravila-uhozhennyh-devushek
Next year we will try even more for you. Stay with us!
Top Articles 2015 You can not forgive their teachers for what they did not show you these 10 math tricks!
If you're not familiar with the math - it's not your fault, you just have not been taught in school that math tricks. It is a pity that they can not be found in conventional lessons math , because such tricks all calculations are elementary.
➜ takprosto.cc/prostye-matematicheskie-tryuki

Do not you dare throw corks from wine! You will be delighted by the fact that one can do.
Are you a wine lover? So you can always find a few stoppers from bottles ➜ takprosto.cc/kak-ispolzovat-probki-ot-vina

22 life hacking kitchen, invented a genius. This does not even know your mother!
You have a chance to learn the tricks by which your skills in the kitchen will be second to none. Learn how to store vegetables and fruit, boil eggs, and save foods from spoiling too quickly.
➜ takprosto.cc/kuhonnye-layfhaki

Mask for hair growth of a madman. Do not say I did not warn you
Restore hair and give them energy for active growth - what is to do immediately! Hair can change the face of the person.

Regular features in 3 minutes. All you need - a brush and foundation
! Basic lesson professional makeup per day. It's as easy as to put lipstick or mascara, but the result, no doubt, will exceed all your expectations!
➜ takprosto.cc/kak-podcherknut-cherty-lica

4 morning procedures, which should start to your day. Make it a habit!
The most effective treatments that are performed in the morning after you wake up ➜ takprosto.cc/utrennie-procedury-dlya-zdorovya

You do not even know what a your cell phone! See if it works!
Especially for you «Website» has prepared a selection of useful features of your mobile phone, which you could not guess.
➜ takprosto.cc/skrytye-vozmozhnosti-mobilnogo-telefona

10 countries, where it is better to be born a man. Women to get a foot ...
you'll be surprised when you find out that there is still space left on the planet where women are subjected to violence, repression, exclusion and discrimination.
➜ takprosto.cc/10-stran-mira-opasnyh-dlya-zhenshchin 40,813,953
Here's what happens if you put in the ear a slice of onion. Why did not I know this before?
One of the wonderful tools, which was used by our grandmothers is the usual bow ➜ takprosto.cc/chto-sluchitsya-esli-polozhit-luk-v-uho

All groomed girls know about it for a long time! 23 rules that will be any beauty.
If you do not like yourself - it's not a reason to give up. Rather, you should use tips that will help to obtain a great physical form and look attractive ➜ takprosto.cc/pravila-uhozhennyh-devushek

Next year we will try even more for you. Stay with us!
Exotic plant on the windowsill: how to grow a pomegranate from the bone.
Hot food from the oven: burgers "Snowdrifts", which is impossible to be indifferent!