06.06. And let the whole world wait. Vaccination against computer games
< 1984
Of course, Philosophical Dictionary, 1954, as well as TSB (one more hi nostalgic) defined cybernetics as "reactionary pseudoscience", but after some time to talk about it out loud was already not very convenient and a pseudoscientific heresy began in the Soviet Union to study and even teaching. As well as prepare programmers. Because the beginning of the space era, the military - the new guidance systems, and to dispense with all the buns would be very sad, and non-kosher. And the good and often very good programmers in the country of victorious socialism were the same.
And one of them, God grant him health, created the game, thanks to which I have from the first trial and get rid of the unhealthy cravings for computer games. Man this name is Alexey Leonidovich Pajitnov, the game, if someone had not guessed - Tetris. Yeah, the same. That Alex somehow unclear sold Rbertu Stein and which became the best-selling computer game in the United States and Britain in 1988. Shaw for the "unclear" about the sale, the debate about the legitimacy of ownership rights to the use and sale of "Tetris", gave rise to that amount of litigation, sho can separate "Santa Barbara" to remove.
Well, there they do not feed bread, and give battle to build the world's decaying capital. And I'm in a wonderful summer day in 1991 received the vaccine. Coming utrechka in our wonderful office, I found the entire male population in close little room sound engineer, which was available free television, to which the said toy, and was hooked. Man 7-8 playing to "Strata", commenting on the passage of the levels as they reach the stage of each of those present. Only go out for a smoke. At the expense of the toilet - not sure. Absolutely, without a second thought, I joined in this collective psychosis ...
... For an hour at 10 pm, I crawled out of the "Dialogue" on a completely padded feet, not quite knowing how and where to disappear the whole day out of my life. The condition was, like run a marathon, but for some reason it upside down. In a head - porridge. Energy - zero ...
I thought that when I sat down at the console, some little troll drilled in my head hole, opened a direct channel to another dimension or reality where and merged my time, energy and plans for the day.
But the wild in this pastime for me was the concept. Paying for Schaub feel like gouging trough ??
So sho is not set my computer with toys, so ...

Of course, Philosophical Dictionary, 1954, as well as TSB (one more hi nostalgic) defined cybernetics as "reactionary pseudoscience", but after some time to talk about it out loud was already not very convenient and a pseudoscientific heresy began in the Soviet Union to study and even teaching. As well as prepare programmers. Because the beginning of the space era, the military - the new guidance systems, and to dispense with all the buns would be very sad, and non-kosher. And the good and often very good programmers in the country of victorious socialism were the same.
And one of them, God grant him health, created the game, thanks to which I have from the first trial and get rid of the unhealthy cravings for computer games. Man this name is Alexey Leonidovich Pajitnov, the game, if someone had not guessed - Tetris. Yeah, the same. That Alex somehow unclear sold Rbertu Stein and which became the best-selling computer game in the United States and Britain in 1988. Shaw for the "unclear" about the sale, the debate about the legitimacy of ownership rights to the use and sale of "Tetris", gave rise to that amount of litigation, sho can separate "Santa Barbara" to remove.
Well, there they do not feed bread, and give battle to build the world's decaying capital. And I'm in a wonderful summer day in 1991 received the vaccine. Coming utrechka in our wonderful office, I found the entire male population in close little room sound engineer, which was available free television, to which the said toy, and was hooked. Man 7-8 playing to "Strata", commenting on the passage of the levels as they reach the stage of each of those present. Only go out for a smoke. At the expense of the toilet - not sure. Absolutely, without a second thought, I joined in this collective psychosis ...
... For an hour at 10 pm, I crawled out of the "Dialogue" on a completely padded feet, not quite knowing how and where to disappear the whole day out of my life. The condition was, like run a marathon, but for some reason it upside down. In a head - porridge. Energy - zero ...
I thought that when I sat down at the console, some little troll drilled in my head hole, opened a direct channel to another dimension or reality where and merged my time, energy and plans for the day.
But the wild in this pastime for me was the concept. Paying for Schaub feel like gouging trough ??
So sho is not set my computer with toys, so ...