Cave Village
When Nikolai Nosov wrote his "Dunno on the Moon", he, I think, and did not realize that in the southern Chinese province of Guizhou, there are people who also are not above the heads of the sky and rock hard. The whole village, where people Miao live more than 150 years, is located inside a giant cave in length of 230 meters. Here and homes, and schools, students are engaged in a "open" air. I could not find photos of this series Reuters large enough, so look at other made two years ago.
The village has its own basketball court. Two years later, here are some things changed.
Children watch a communal TV.
The houses here are made of bamboo.
Judging by the fact that the roof of the building and does not appear, it is not necessary.
Desks in the classroom are arranged correctly - the light falls on the left.
via drugoi