15 notes from Captain Obvious

We hope that you, as we do in the Website, is not averse to occasionally laugh at funny, and sometimes frankly curious inscriptions and announcements.
We have compiled for you the 15 best notes from Captain Obvious, which, no doubt, will raise you up on the first working day this week.

And someone had any doubts on this score?

If the door does not open, it is closed.

Apparently, there have been attempts to pass through the wall.

But what about the wall?

I do not because of the lack of whether the tap?

Forgot to write the way out.

And for the girls and grandmothers.

Captain warns.

I twice did not repeat not repeat.

So, while some sit on it, you can?

On this street is very difficult to get lost.

You have not tried the lemon lemonade.

Not all, of course, but most still open.

That is, you can go with the cats?

Wow, that's a new one!
15 memorable ads from the masters of folk copywriting
18 ad, by which it is impossible to pass
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