IQ test piece 2
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1 Professor goes to bed at 8 pm, and the Service starts at 9am. How much will sleep professor? 1:00 13 hours 12 hours
2 Can a man marry the sister of his widow? Yes No
3 Do on November 7 in Australia? Yes No
4 In 10 Mamed sheep. All but nine dead. How much is left of sheep? 1 9 sheep sheep sheep 10
5 You - Pilot, letyaschegoiz Havana to Moscow with two changes in Algeria. How old is the pilot? 30 years 40 years as many years as you
Usually 6 month ends on 30 th or 31 th number. Which month has the 28th number? In February, All That, where there is the 29th number
7 You go in the unfamiliar room that is dark. It has two lamps - gas and gasoline. What you will light in the first place? Match Gaslamp petrol lamp
8 One train goes from Kiev to Donetsk, and the other - from Donetsk to Kiev. They both come out, but the speed of the first three times the second speed. What will happen next train from Kiev at the time of the meeting? Which comes from Donetsk to Kiev who is from Kiev to Donetsk Equally
9 Father and son got into a catastrophe. Father died in hospital. To the son comes to the House and the surgeon says, pointing at him: "This is my son." Can these words be true? Yes No
10 Archaeologists have found a coin dated 35 BC. Is this possible? Yes No
11 Stick need to cut it into 12 pieces. How long will it cuts? 11 12 13
In the hands of 12 - 10 fingers. How many fingers on 10 hands? 100 50 10
13 How much Noah took the animals on the ark? 3500 kinds of 397,400 individuals every creature - a pair
14 The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injection every half hour. How much time to do all the shots? One hour and a half hour for two hours
15 9 How many digits in a row of numbers from "1" to "100"? 11 October 20
16 A lone watchman died in the night. Give if he retire? Yes No
17 Burned 7 candles. Three extinguished. How many candles are left? 4 3 7
18 Brick weighs 1 kilogram. Plus a half-brick. How heavy brick? 1 kg 1.5 kg 2 kg
19 Under what bush hare sitting in the rain? Under the Maple Under dry under wet
1 Professor goes to bed at 8 pm, and the Service starts at 9am. How much will sleep professor? 1:00 13 hours 12 hours
2 Can a man marry the sister of his widow? Yes No
3 Do on November 7 in Australia? Yes No
4 In 10 Mamed sheep. All but nine dead. How much is left of sheep? 1 9 sheep sheep sheep 10
5 You - Pilot, letyaschegoiz Havana to Moscow with two changes in Algeria. How old is the pilot? 30 years 40 years as many years as you
Usually 6 month ends on 30 th or 31 th number. Which month has the 28th number? In February, All That, where there is the 29th number
7 You go in the unfamiliar room that is dark. It has two lamps - gas and gasoline. What you will light in the first place? Match Gaslamp petrol lamp
8 One train goes from Kiev to Donetsk, and the other - from Donetsk to Kiev. They both come out, but the speed of the first three times the second speed. What will happen next train from Kiev at the time of the meeting? Which comes from Donetsk to Kiev who is from Kiev to Donetsk Equally
9 Father and son got into a catastrophe. Father died in hospital. To the son comes to the House and the surgeon says, pointing at him: "This is my son." Can these words be true? Yes No
10 Archaeologists have found a coin dated 35 BC. Is this possible? Yes No
11 Stick need to cut it into 12 pieces. How long will it cuts? 11 12 13
In the hands of 12 - 10 fingers. How many fingers on 10 hands? 100 50 10
13 How much Noah took the animals on the ark? 3500 kinds of 397,400 individuals every creature - a pair
14 The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injection every half hour. How much time to do all the shots? One hour and a half hour for two hours
15 9 How many digits in a row of numbers from "1" to "100"? 11 October 20
16 A lone watchman died in the night. Give if he retire? Yes No
17 Burned 7 candles. Three extinguished. How many candles are left? 4 3 7
18 Brick weighs 1 kilogram. Plus a half-brick. How heavy brick? 1 kg 1.5 kg 2 kg
19 Under what bush hare sitting in the rain? Under the Maple Under dry under wet