What bathe arabki
In some Arab countries, there are the so-called women's days, when the entrance to the beach razreschen only to women and small children. Contrary to the official position, this tradition finds overwhelming response and especially do not like the representatives of the tourism industry. A couple of years ago came to the fact that in Dubai after the trial reduced the number of days women from four to three per week.
However, a woman may well come on a regular beach, strict prohibition in it. Only here the beautiful sea and warm sun are not removed from their duties by soblyudniyu norms of appearance. Arab women swim clothing, and often with a closed head. Presumably, this is a dubious pleasure, not to mention the fact that the dress is not conducive to adhering chaste mind.
Hyatt Hotel in Zanzibar is located near the main city beach. So it was that my windows looked out directly on the beach. Armed with a telephoto I took off girls and women. And many of them were so magnificent forms that involuntarily thought: maybe correctly, that in clothes ...
However, a woman may well come on a regular beach, strict prohibition in it. Only here the beautiful sea and warm sun are not removed from their duties by soblyudniyu norms of appearance. Arab women swim clothing, and often with a closed head. Presumably, this is a dubious pleasure, not to mention the fact that the dress is not conducive to adhering chaste mind.
Hyatt Hotel in Zanzibar is located near the main city beach. So it was that my windows looked out directly on the beach. Armed with a telephoto I took off girls and women. And many of them were so magnificent forms that involuntarily thought: maybe correctly, that in clothes ...