10 unknown facts about the creator of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Site has learned that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed in the existence of fairies and spirits, jumping on skis and he figured out the murder. It was eccentric personality!
Among friends grandfather was the famous writer William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, Benjamin Disraeli. It is also known that the "gold bug" Poe's struck Arthur Young on the spot. That's when the passion Conan Doyle woke up to the detectives. Writer has incredible physical strength, well-built and well-developed body. He was fond of many sports, a good game of pool. Arthur Conan Doyle was the first tester moped. Contemporaries all as one claim that Arthur was a true gentleman and a person of high moral character. He knew how to talk with everybody, especially with the ladies: always been perfectly respectful and polite. In 1890, James Barrie, author of "Peter Pan" amateur team founded on the game of cricket. Team members began Woodhouse, Wells, Jerome, Milne, Conan Doyle and many others. The founder and mastermind of the team, James Barry, chose the name «Allahakbarries» for her. < For some reason, the playwright felt that "Allahu Akbar," translated as "Heaven help us» Dr Joseph Bell, who inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to create such a hero like Sherlock Holmes small winged fairies
via diletant.media/articles/26925697/

Among friends grandfather was the famous writer William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, Benjamin Disraeli. It is also known that the "gold bug" Poe's struck Arthur Young on the spot. That's when the passion Conan Doyle woke up to the detectives. Writer has incredible physical strength, well-built and well-developed body. He was fond of many sports, a good game of pool. Arthur Conan Doyle was the first tester moped. Contemporaries all as one claim that Arthur was a true gentleman and a person of high moral character. He knew how to talk with everybody, especially with the ladies: always been perfectly respectful and polite. In 1890, James Barrie, author of "Peter Pan" amateur team founded on the game of cricket. Team members began Woodhouse, Wells, Jerome, Milne, Conan Doyle and many others. The founder and mastermind of the team, James Barry, chose the name «Allahakbarries» for her. < For some reason, the playwright felt that "Allahu Akbar," translated as "Heaven help us» Dr Joseph Bell, who inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to create such a hero like Sherlock Holmes small winged fairies
via diletant.media/articles/26925697/