15 popular "Wonders of the World": tourist expectations and the harsh reality

As we usually imagine the tourist attractions? Well, about the way they are depicted in the brochures and magazines about travel, perhaps. Unfortunately, the reality is, as usual, has a glossy picture little obschego.Ne would like to disappoint you, but ... Website shows you how to look the most famous tourist places on the planet really.

Great wall of China, Kitay


Santorini Island, Gretsiya

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italiya

Louvre Frantsiya

Eiffel Tower, Frantsiya

Canals of Venice, Italiya

Copacabana Beach, Braziliya

Trevi Fountain, Italiya

Pyramids of Giza, Egipet

Stonehenge, Velikobritaniya

Spanish Steps, Italiya


St. Peter's Basilica, Vatikan

statue of the Little Mermaid, Denmark

Acropolis, Gretsiya

Central Park, New York

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