High-quality children's clothing - wholesale buyers

Filling retailer of children's and teen clothing products - not an easy task. Through the purchase should take into account the needs of different strata of customers. Thus it is necessary to select high-quality products, which are not deposits on the shelves and will be in high demand throughout the year. This ensures a constant turnover and profitability of the store.
But to buy too expensive items - even though he is a very good quality - also makes sense. There is a risk to exceed the bar of purchasing power, which invariably entails losses and the loss of a significant proportion of regular customers. For these reasons, the shop owners are very interested in working in the direction of clothing for children and adolescents reliable wholesale suppliers.
Reliable supplier and partner
One of them is the production holding «Soley Group», which offers all interested in high-quality products for young / middle-aged / youth at affordable prices such product categories:
- baby products < /
- children's underwear and pajamas for all ages;
- swimwear girls swimwear for boys;
- demi jackets collection 2016;
- winter products fleece collection in 2016;
- school uniform in the range;
- stockings, socks;
- elegant clothing for young fashionistas, etc. ul. >
Holding «Soley Group» sells stylish and high-quality children's clothing TM «Crokid» and «Optop" as well as an elegant line of women domestic TM «Trikozza» clothes. All products strictly meet the quality standards of the Russian Federation, it is supplied in any size and wide range. Holding «Soley Group» offers cooperation to the owners of retail stores and distribution centers that are interested in quality products and high profits of the business.
Reliable, long-term cooperation - the main priority of the holding. Partners «Soley Group» offers extremely favorable conditions for bulk purchase - support of the printed advertising products, and even the ability to create a unique line of children's clothes according to customer requirements. For those who only thought to open his own shop, holding the franchise offers brand of children's shops «Crockid».