10 strange exercise for the brain, which will help grow wiser

Neyrobika - psychological exercises that resemble a cross fitness for the brain. 5 senses are involved in these exercises: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Their systematic implementation stimulates the development of new neural connections in different areas of the brain, making the nerve cells stronger, helps produce nutrients that improve memory.
< Website happy to share these simple exercises. Making them in the morning, after a while you will feel the positive effects.
1. Brush your teeth broken hand Studies have shown that the use of the opposite hemisphere of your brain (as in this exercise) gives the results of a rapid and significant expansion of areas of the cerebral cortex
- How to:. brush your teeth broken hand, and do not forget to open and use a tube of toothpaste with the same hand. 2. Take a shower with your eyes closed Tactile sensations activate other areas of the brain. Your arms notice that you can not see, and send signals about this to your brain
- How to:. Try using the senses of touch, only (do all extremely carefully to avoid injury). Open the taps and adjust the water, trust your feelings. Then wash with eyes closed. 3. Replace your usual morning routine brain Research shows that new challenges increase the cortex, recording an increase in the level of brain activity
- How to:. get dressed after breakfast , take a walk with the dog in the new area, change your favorite channel on TV or radio station. 4. Turn upside down the usual items. Just when you're looking at the right things turned, your left, "verbal" side of the brain to quickly recognize them and immediately sends your attention elsewhere. When you flip them upside down, your right-hand side of the brain involved in the work and try to recognize the shape, color and attitude to him incomprehensible pictures
- How to:. flip up kicking your family pictures, wall clock and calendar. 5. To change their place at the table in most families, each has its own place at the table, but your brain is constantly in need of new experiences
- How to:. are swapped to change the position that you occupy, and in another way to look at the room, and people, and even then, as you get to pepper and salt. 6. Breathe new flavors you probably do not even remember how to "learn" the smell of coffee is associated with the beginning of a new day. Enable new neural pathways can be associating unusual flavors, such as vanilla, cinnamon, mint, with any activity
- How to:. keep its extract favorite fragrance around the bed all week. Open and inhale it as soon as woke up, and then when the wash and dress. 7. Open box car hippocampus - part of the brain responsible for memory. They will be brighter if they involve the smells, sounds and images
- How to:. Try to recognize new sounds and smells in your way. Open window will help you with this. 8. Learn groceries shops are designed to make the most profitable products placed at eye level, so when you buy food, you do not see much
- How to:. stop about any series in the shop and look at the shelves from top to bottom. If you see something that does not notice before, take this, read the structure and think about it. You do not buy it, you have violated your routine and gained a new experience. 9. Increase the number of communications during the day Scientific studies have repeatedly proven that the lack of communication has a serious negative impact on overall cognitive abilities
- How to:. want to drink? It is better to buy a drink from the seller in the store than the machine with soda. Out of gasoline? It is better to pay the check at the cashier, than the card in the terminal on the street. 10. Read different We use different parts of the brain when we read or listen to ourselves, when we read aloud or silently.
- How to: Read aloud to your interlocutor, alternating the role of the listener and the reader. Perhaps you'll be a lot longer to read a book, but spend more time together.
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