No one has gone astray, following your inner voice

No one has lost, following your inner voice. Even if the result would be a weakening of the body, there is nothing to regret it, because this life is in accordance with the highest principles. If the day and the night are such that you are happy to meet them, if life smells like flowers and fragrant herbs, if it has become more flexible, closer to the stars, and immortality - this is your victory. You congratulates all of nature, and you can bless fate. The greatest achievement is usually the least valued. We can easily begin to doubt their existence. We'll forget about them. Meanwhile, they and the reality is the highest ...

The true harvest of my every day is elusive and indescribable, like the colors of morning and sunset.

This is - a handful of stardust, a piece of the rainbow, which I managed to grab

. "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau.