The director next "Star Wars" wants to make a film on the film and in space

American director Colin Trevorrow selected chief of filming the ninth episode of the epic saga "Star Wars», wants to break stereotypes . At the Sundance Film Festival, he announced that he would shoot a new episode on the tape, instead of the usual modern digital cameras.
"I would not be able to shoot" Star Wars "in any other way than on the film. It's a historical film - everything that happens in it happened "a long time ago." Every time I'm going to shoot a historical film, an inner voice tells me: "Then, because there were no digital cameras." The director said that the shooting "Jurassic World" in the film, because it does not want the action scenes looked like "a battle between two computers".
Joking or not, but George. George. Abrams also filmed recently released the seventh episode in the film, and the director of the next, the eighth episode, too, will use the classic technique instead of digital.
And if you use film cameras looks quite real, it is one more request the director was more strange. Треворроу I told , that made the request about the possibility of filming "on the ground" - that is, directly in space. "I wonder whether it is possible to shoot Star Wars films to IMAX in space. I have not yet responded. But shooting in space for IMAX already were! ".
In the context of the return to the origins of filmmaking can recall the recent film Tarantino's "disgusting eight", which was shot on film not simply, and quite old, 70mm widescreen option. For example, in Russia remained isolated film projectors, designed for 70 mm film, but most of them are in working order.
Tarantino film from 70-mm film print format "Ultra-Panavizhn 70" now (in January 2016) show in a single Moscow cinema "October < / a> ». Find a complete operating equipment suitable standard could not, and for the normal projection of its elements had to collect at various film distributors.
Colin Trevorrow - American film director, screenwriter, producer and actor. Best known as a director, writer and producer of such films as "Jurassic World" and "Security can not be guaranteed." In 2013, he nominated for "Independent Spirit" for the best debut film.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/270154/
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