15 postcards with inimitable dialogues from Odessa
Odessans can not hear that joke all the time, - they just say so and so live. For them, the humor - is the style, character, helps to live.
Website has collected cards in which the inhabitants of this southern city deftly answer tricky questions and nicely out of a difficult situation.
15 SMS, which could only write in Odessa
The dialogues, which can be heard only in Odessa
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/dialogi-kotorye-mozhno-uslyshat-tolko-v-odesse-839060/
Website has collected cards in which the inhabitants of this southern city deftly answer tricky questions and nicely out of a difficult situation.
15 SMS, which could only write in Odessa
The dialogues, which can be heard only in Odessa
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/dialogi-kotorye-mozhno-uslyshat-tolko-v-odesse-839060/
10 foods that we ate properly all his life
20 optimistic conclusions from women who do not blunder through life