Horseshoe, clover or just keep our fingers crossed?

Everyone wants to attract into your life good luck and keep volatile around him as long as possible. Attract luck horseshoe, coin, clover and other charms
Strange but true: superstitions and omens come true. Especially those in which a person believes or wants to believe. So everyone wants to attract into your life good luck and keep volatile around him as long as possible. Attract luck horseshoe, coin, clover and other charms. Crossed fingers will also help fulfill the desire.

Crossed fingers - a powerful talisman. The history of this gesture dates back to early Christianity. Even then he had a protective effect
Celtic, Greek, sunny, inverted, Orthodox, Lithuanian, St. Andrew, red ... You can enumerate a long time, but once you realize that all this variety of the cross? It symbolizes his fingers crossed.
Cross existed long before our era. His images have found during excavations of the Stone Age. And almost immediately he became a sacred symbol. Even the ancient Egyptians used a mysterious and mystical sign in religion. Interestingly the Egyptian sun god often depicted with hands-rays, each of which was a cross.

Cross existed long before our era. His images have found during excavations of the Stone Age. And almost immediately he became a sacred symbol. Even the ancient Egyptians used a mysterious and mystical sign in religion
Meaning of the label set. The cross as a symbol of a man with open arms as a symbol of the four cardinal points, the center of the universe. Today it is a symbol of Christianity and God's protection. Sign of the Cross sanctifies, protects against evil spirits.
Crossed fingers - a powerful talisman. The history of this gesture dates back to early Christianity. Even then he had a protective effect.
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