In the United States begins the compulsory registration of amateur UAVs

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the USA has announced the beginning of the compulsory registration of amateur unmanned aerial vehicles weighing more than 250 grams. With such requirements for registration fall, many toy quadrocopters.
Registration will take place from December 21, 2015 on February 19, 2016. Required to pay a fee of five dollars for a three-year certificate (the same amount, by the way, is charged for registration of small private airplanes) and apply to UAV identification mark, ie the registration number.
The first 30 days of registration is free of charge. The same marking to be used on multiple drones. Register drones are entitled to only US citizens.
Federal authorities were quick to adopt the new rules of registration before the Christmas holidays, when the forecasted sale 700 000 new drones .
The owner of the gadget has to make to the national database of your name, home address and e-mail. The authorities expect that it will make the drone operators more accountable and reduce the number of incidents , when UAV interfere in flights civilian passenger ships.
"Enthusiasts drones are airmen, and with this title comes great responsibility" - said Anthony Fox (Anthony Foxx), US Secretary of Transportation.
In practice, the FAA had no resources to track drones. From the point of view of practical safety initiative of the authorities does not make sense. In the event of a collision with an aircraft drone is destroyed, including registration marks, which are required under the new rules. And if the operator thought of something bad, it may not register their quadrocopter. Although the penalty for it: up to three years of prison or a fine up to $ 27 000.
Register UAV has more cultural meaning: people are taught to justice on a psychological level.
In recent months the United States has increased significantly the number of complaints about the drones that fly over the park, a stadium and a private courtyard. Multicopter become so popular and ubiquitous that many demanded from the authorities to introduce the rules of their registration.
Registration rules are fully 211-page document, which is published on the website FAA ( pdf ). < br />
Probably in the near future, similar rules concerning the registration of amateur UAV will enter the European Union and Russia.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/267672/
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