5 things we learned about the Red Planet in 2015
Over the past year, scientists have learned about Mars, more than in all previous years combined. Editorial We have chosen the most important terminology and cleared in a hurry to share with you!
Once Mars was like Earth h2> About 3, 7 billion. years ago on Mars, as on Earth, there were lakes and rivers. Then the planet was more the atmosphere, which was later destroyed by the solar wind, because unlike Earth, Mars has no global magnetic field to protect the atmosphere. As a consequence, it has become vulnerable to UV radiation and other energy emission from the sun during storms.
Water on Mars is still there h2> In spite of the lack of atmosphere, water on Mars has remained until today. This is due to the unique conditions on the planet. Incredible images taken by satellites have revealed on the surface of Mars, narrow strip of water that occur on the slopes during the Martian summer, when the temperature rises above -23 ° C, and cold in the winter, when the temperature drops to -87 ° C, frozen. NASA said that the fact that the presence of liquid on Mars increases the chances of finding life there.
People are prepared to travel to the Red Planet h2> Preparing for landing people on Mars has already begun. It is expected to happen in the 2020s. Six astronauts are one-year training in the desert, where specially for their workouts simulated Martian conditions. In training for them will simulate the conditions of life on Mars. Participants will live and work under the dome in the harsh and remote slopes of an extinct volcano in Hawaii.
Items found on Mars - just an illusion h2> The planet discovered strange objects. "Researchers photos" claim to have seen it scorpions and even a spaceship. According to many experts, this is a common pareidolia - a psychological phenomenon in which a person can see the familiar outline of a completely unfamiliar things. Site pareidolia wrote about in this article.
If life on Mars exists, somewhere deep below the surface h2> The team from the Planetary Science Institute and the Autonomous University of Barcelona hypothesized giant Martian flood. It was caused by the massive melting of the ice, which met in the canyons of the long-vanished ancient ocean planet. These deposits were heated lava and melting ice flooded Mars water flows. Even if the Martian Apocalypse took billions of years ago, water tanks can still be somewhere inside the planet. There can be found and traces of ancient life.