An explosion at a military base in Severomorsk.

May 17, 1984 from nezatushennogo stub explosion at a military base Severomorsk.
In a short time, was destroyed almost half of the naval reserve strategic missiles, torpedoes and mines.
On the streets of real panic began. From the memoirs of an eyewitness:
Ran through the streets of women with children in their arms, many half-dressed in gowns and slippers; interspersed with them and men, some in the form, which gave the film a particularly spooky drama. Climbed the stairs (in Severomorsk, ladders), leading up to the hill. Someone falls, pick it up, grabbed by the arm, dragged. Machine continuous stream stretched from the city. Packed to overflowing, still stood, picked up children whose mothers literally cram into the wrong hands. Cry, crying, swearing - and overlapping roar and howl "volcano" roundabout. Black with orange-crimson cap mushroom, rising to his full gigantic height, stood for a moment, rocked the city, but then slowly began to sink towards the tundra, the ocean.
The victims were. Talking about at least two people - an officer who tried to extinguish the flames, and the sailor, the remaining stand on guard near a burning warehouse.
In the photos you can see the force of the explosion.