This giant statue of the 16th century, hides inside the whole room
This grandiose sculpture representing a human figure carved in the rock created by the famous sculptor of the Florentine mannerist Giovanni da Bologna in the late 1500s as a symbol of the rocky Italian Apennines. Stone is a deity in a villa in Pratolino Toskane.Sayt learned that this sculpture has its own mystery. Inside it is hidden several rooms that can be used for other purposes. The left hand of the Colossus supports the flow of water which originates underground; rumored to be inside the head space was set aside for the fireplace. When fueling the fire giant nostrils were to produce smoke.
The park, which is currently in this amazing sculpture will be open for access of tourists on weekends until late October.
via fishki.net/1691976-jetot-gigantskij-kamennyj-koloss-16-veka-vo-florencii-skryvaet-vnutri-sebja-celye-komnaty.html
The park, which is currently in this amazing sculpture will be open for access of tourists on weekends until late October.

via fishki.net/1691976-jetot-gigantskij-kamennyj-koloss-16-veka-vo-florencii-skryvaet-vnutri-sebja-celye-komnaty.html
20 masterpieces of cinema, developing impeccable taste
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