10 indoor plants that can kill a person
Indoor plants clean the air and are designed to delight us with its beauty. But not all of them are so useful, as we used to think. In nature, there are many plants that can be dangerous for both man and home zhivotnyh.Sayt publishes a compilation of the 10 most dangerous indoor plants, on which it is desirable to get rid of.
1. Teschin language (sansevieriya) h2>
2. Hydrangea h2>
3. Aloe vera h2>
4. Daffodils h2>
5. Iris h2>
6. Hyacinths h2>
7. Dieffenbachia h2>
8. Oleander h2>
9. Spathiphyllum h2>
10. English Ivy h2>
1. Teschin language (sansevieriya) h2>
This plant is very unpretentious and admirably with the task of cleaning the air, but it must be kept away from children, as Teschin language can cause sore throat, excessive salivation and nausea.
2. Hydrangea h2>
A person or animal that will eat the buds of a flower starts to hurt badly stomach, it will provoke a diarrhea will also be difficulty breathing. From this plant can even fall into a coma. Better not keep him in the house.
3. Aloe vera h2>
This wonderful plant has a lot of useful properties: heals burns, cuts, and other skin damage. But inside it is not necessary to apply, because aloe vera irritates the intestines, and the animals and all the extract of this plant is contraindicated.
4. Daffodils h2>
Narcissus - certainly a very beautiful flower, but at the same time very toxic. It can cause nausea and diarrhea, high blood pressure. If you eat an onion, it can end and fatal.
5. Iris h2>
This plant can be dangerous for both children and adults. It causes nausea, vomiting and a sharp rise in temperature, as in a fever.
6. Hyacinths h2>
Like daffodils, these flowers cause vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, they can cause the death of pets!
7. Dieffenbachia h2>
This is a very popular plant, but few of its owners know that it leads to diseases of the throat. Juice dieffenbachia, if it gets into the body of a child or a pet, can kill them!
8. Oleander h2>
Very toxic flower. Pet dies, his eating even a small leaf. And adults Oleander causes weakness, dizziness, arrhythmia, and muscle tremors.
9. Spathiphyllum h2>
Very often, this plant causes an allergic reaction, and once in the human body, can cause death. In less severe cases Spathiphyllum leads to swelling of the lips, mouth and tongue.
10. English Ivy h2>
This plant is equally toxic to humans and animals. It causes respiratory failure, convulsions, vomiting and in extreme cases - paralysis and to whom.
Exercise maximum care in choosing plants for their homes because they can not only clean the air, but also be very dangerous enemies of man. And share this important information with their friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto.cc/10-rasteniy-ubiyc/
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