8 mysterious facts about the sights that guides do not tell
The site has unearthed some very interesting facts about the most famous objects of art and architecture, and in a hurry to share them with you! So, did you know that ... 1. The Eiffel Tower is an apartment h2> Few people know that the Eiffel Tower apartment has a secret hidden on the upper level of the tower. This apartment is owned by Gustave Eiffel - the engineer who designed the tower. They say the envy of the Eiffel Paris.
2. "Scream" was inspired by the volcano h2> In the words of Munch, the creation of "Scream" was inspired by a day when he was walking with his friends and saw "the sky turned red as blood", while it is incredibly tired and heard "huge infinite scream of nature».
3. The creator of the Leaning Tower h2> We all know that in Pisa, Italy, has incredible leaning tower, but no one knows who built it. The fact that the tower was built as much as 200 years. Previously it was thought that the structure was designed by Bonanno Pisano, but now, historians are inclined in favor of the version that the tower was Diotisalvi architect who designed several objects in Pisa.
4. Circuit at the foot of the Statue of Liberty h2> Edouard de Laboulaye, a famous French politician who influenced the creation of the Statue of Liberty was a staunch supporter of President Lincoln, who fought for the abolition of slavery. The statue was donated in honor of freedom, democracy and the abolition of slavery, so it lies at the feet of a broken chain is usually not visible to tourists.
5. Beard Sphinx h2> Sphinx originally built without a beard, which added much later. Rather, it has attached to show the connection with the Sphinx Horemahet - one of the Egyptian gods.
6. Hidden Music Da Vinci h2> In 2007, Giovanni Maria Pala, Italian musician and computer technician, said he deciphered the hidden notes in the famous painting by da Vinci's "Last Supper».
7. The color of the Golden Gate Bridge h2> The Golden Gate Bridge - one of the most photographed sites in the world. Interestingly, the US Navy protested against its construction, because they were afraid that if the bridge is blown up, it becomes a trap for ships in the harbor of San Francisco.
8. Michelangelo and his "The Last Judgment» h2> Shortly before his death, Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo's painting of the Last Judgment on the walls of the Sistine Chapel. Images were supposed to represent the last day of the world when Jesus Christ will return to the world.
1. The Eiffel Tower is an apartment h2> Few people know that the Eiffel Tower apartment has a secret hidden on the upper level of the tower. This apartment is owned by Gustave Eiffel - the engineer who designed the tower. They say the envy of the Eiffel Paris.
2. "Scream" was inspired by the volcano h2> In the words of Munch, the creation of "Scream" was inspired by a day when he was walking with his friends and saw "the sky turned red as blood", while it is incredibly tired and heard "huge infinite scream of nature».
Apparently, the sky turned red as a result of the volcanic eruption in Indonesia in 1883.
3. The creator of the Leaning Tower h2> We all know that in Pisa, Italy, has incredible leaning tower, but no one knows who built it. The fact that the tower was built as much as 200 years. Previously it was thought that the structure was designed by Bonanno Pisano, but now, historians are inclined in favor of the version that the tower was Diotisalvi architect who designed several objects in Pisa.
4. Circuit at the foot of the Statue of Liberty h2> Edouard de Laboulaye, a famous French politician who influenced the creation of the Statue of Liberty was a staunch supporter of President Lincoln, who fought for the abolition of slavery. The statue was donated in honor of freedom, democracy and the abolition of slavery, so it lies at the feet of a broken chain is usually not visible to tourists.
5. Beard Sphinx h2> Sphinx originally built without a beard, which added much later. Rather, it has attached to show the connection with the Sphinx Horemahet - one of the Egyptian gods.
It is also possible that the addition of a beard was necessary to associate the Sphinx with the Egyptian pharaohs, who often wore artificial beards as a symbol of power and communication with the god Osiris.
6. Hidden Music Da Vinci h2> In 2007, Giovanni Maria Pala, Italian musician and computer technician, said he deciphered the hidden notes in the famous painting by da Vinci's "Last Supper».
According to Pal, if you draw a line five lines on top of the camp's famous painting, the hands of Jesus Christ, his apostles and hands a loaf of bread on the table will represent musical notes that make sense when read from right to left.
Da Vinci was a fan of music, and often included musical mysteries in their work, and they had to read it from right to left, so Vetstsozi Alessandro, director of the Da Vinci museum in Tuscany, said that the assumption that Pala may well be true.
7. The color of the Golden Gate Bridge h2> The Golden Gate Bridge - one of the most photographed sites in the world. Interestingly, the US Navy protested against its construction, because they were afraid that if the bridge is blown up, it becomes a trap for ships in the harbor of San Francisco.
Once consent was obtained, the Navy does not like the color. The Army wanted to paint the bridge in black and yellow, so it is visible in the fog. As a result, architect Irving Morrow Bridge persuaded the military to paint the bridge in a color similar to the base layer of primer - dark orange.
8. Michelangelo and his "The Last Judgment» h2> Shortly before his death, Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo's painting of the Last Judgment on the walls of the Sistine Chapel. Images were supposed to represent the last day of the world when Jesus Christ will return to the world.
However, there was some disagreement as Michelangelo painted several naked characters by showing their genitals, including Jesus and Mary. It did not find approval from the Cardinal, who started to convince everyone that the pattern must be completely removed or subjected to strict censorship. This angered by Michelangelo and he in retaliation pririsoval face Cesena god of the underworld Minos. He also added his donkey's ears, alluding to the nonsense.
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/280915/26464/
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