The mysterious phenomenon on the beach, which can not explain the scientists
This quaint surf in Dorset, England, called the beach cusps. The researchers did not find an explanation of how these cusps are formed. Most often, such a phenomenon can be observed after shtorma.Yurskoe Coast, Dorset, Angliya
There are two most common theory of the formation of beach cusps.
Point Reyes SShAPervaya explains the phenomenon of the collision with the boundary of normal waves.
The second - the theory of self-organization: Caspian - the result of interaction of regular waves, currents and sand.
Ringsted Bay, Dorset, Angliya
via fishki.net/1667005-zagadochnoe-javlenie-na-pljazhe-kotoroe-ne-mogut-objasnit-uchenye.html
There are two most common theory of the formation of beach cusps.
Point Reyes SShAPervaya explains the phenomenon of the collision with the boundary of normal waves.
The second - the theory of self-organization: Caspian - the result of interaction of regular waves, currents and sand.
Ringsted Bay, Dorset, Angliya
via fishki.net/1667005-zagadochnoe-javlenie-na-pljazhe-kotoroe-ne-mogut-objasnit-uchenye.html