The shortest test
1 minute to make the life of any person garmonichnoy.Zhizn made up of many different components: family, business, hobby, leisure. It is important to try to strike a balance in all directions. Otherwise, for you it will make life itself.
Website publishes simple and widely used in the psychology of exercise:
Take a sheet of paper and redraw it wheel pictures on this post. Evaluate your progress over the past year in each area on a scale of 1 to 10. Then connect the mark of your success line in a circle. Get your personal "wheel of life", and together with it and understanding what you personally need to pay more attention to, and what - is less.
Begin this exercise every month. Good changes are not long in coming, and the "wheel of life" spun much faster.
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The shortest psychological test
Test creativity
via www.adme.ru/shkola-reklamista/test-na-kreativnost-369205/
Website publishes simple and widely used in the psychology of exercise:

Take a sheet of paper and redraw it wheel pictures on this post. Evaluate your progress over the past year in each area on a scale of 1 to 10. Then connect the mark of your success line in a circle. Get your personal "wheel of life", and together with it and understanding what you personally need to pay more attention to, and what - is less.
Begin this exercise every month. Good changes are not long in coming, and the "wheel of life" spun much faster.
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The shortest psychological test
Test creativity
via www.adme.ru/shkola-reklamista/test-na-kreativnost-369205/