15 evidence, that every child lives a brilliant linguist
spontaneity, open-mindedness and a vivid imagination help our offspring to find creative solutions in all situations and never lose heart.
In support of this Website gathered great children's statements that the parents shared in the network. Just enjoy.
Andrew (6 years) spend hours playing with plasticine and, accordingly, the whole smeared his desk. I keep forcing lay a piece of paper to the table is not dirty. Today, poking around in the kitchen. Suddenly, strained silence. I shout:
- Andrew, what are you doing?
- Plasticine sculpt!
- Is there something you planted, that table does not spoil?
- Yes! Laptop! In the morning, putting his brother in the garden, put forth a riddle:
- Who gets up early, does not allow the children to bed?
Answer killed: - "Mama» Midsummer nephew in the bathroom, he was 5 years old. He wanted to drink water straight from the bathroom.
- You can not drink it, she's dirty! - I said. He burst into tears and said:
- Why do I wash in dirty water?! The child congratulated grandmother:
- Grandma, congratulations on March 8! - Pause.
Grandmother tells:
- And I wish ...
- Good soup with crackers, cook? The daughters of my friend Leray 5 years. One day she looks advertising, and it says: cat crazy "Whiskas».
- Mama! - Shouts Leroy.
- What?
- We are not going to buy our Maruse "Whiskas". It is here and so bad. I sit on a regular diet. I feed a family dinner, swallowing saliva. Concludes:
- So, you have a cup of coffee.
Roma (12 years old):
- Why?
- Because coffee discourages eat.
- Mom, the desire to eat only the food beats! To my sister came to visit a friend and dragged to a cat breed Sphynx. My five year old son saw this hairless wonder, watching, and suddenly gave a whisper:
- Dad, who is this?
- This cat.
- Why did he inside? Dad and son (3 years and a half) fills in the questionnaire for the garden. Paragraph "allergic reactions».
Dad: What to write?
I: What are the child's allergy, ie list what foods can not be eaten.
Dad fell into a reverie, fingering something in memory.
The boy whispers Dad, cabbage write ... The child after a visit to the Zoo wrote in the book on how to spent the weekend: "I saw a deer. He has our hanger on the head ». My daughter has a child never has a quiet and silent. So our conversations heard all around.
We go to the hospital for medical attention for the next intake. Previously, went to the store - bought a box of chocolates.
Daughter: Mom, why candy?
I am a doctor.
Daughter: But why the doctor?
Me: Well, it will treat you well.
Daughter (enthusiastic, the entire tram): Candy?! - Mom, the dog as a free people. Why did they drag people on a leash? Bought a child (5 years) set for needlework. Read the instructions aloud:
- You'll need scissors, glue and a little ingenuity ... - thought. - Mama! We have the savvy home? Witnessed such a dialogue on the playground - Mom said in a raised voice his 4-5-year-old son:
- Or are you now gather all of their toys and we go home, or you'll be a week to sit at home!
The boy, not looking up from their cases:
- I did not choose. Go Alyonka c (3 years) from the garden home. I helped her dress and gloves she wore on the street on their own. I notice that she clutched the handle to the cam:
- What's in your palm?
- It's a surprise!
- For whom?
- For you!
- This is a button?
- No!
- It is a stone?
- No!
- It is a flower?
- No!
- I give up! What is it?
- Here, this is for you ... - decompresses palm, and there is a huge hole in the mitten, - it is necessary to sew!
Read more children's statements:
Pearls of children and their parents
Children wisdom post
They say children
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/govoryat-deti-793560/