Unmatched poem by Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling wrote not only the "Jungle Book" and "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi", but also many profound and instructive poems. One of them - "if." You must have read it as a child. But Website believes that it is useful for all adults to memorize and remember every time to give up.
Oh, if you're calm, not to lose ,
When losing their heads around,
And if you yourself remained faithful,
When you do not believe the best friend,
And if you know how to wait without emotion,
Do not become a false answer lies,
You will not be spiteful, becoming a target for all,
But the saints will not name himself,
And if you possess a passion of his,
But it is not ruled by thee,
And thou shalt be steadfast in good fortune and misfortune,
Which in essence is one price,
And, if you're ready for that word
Your trapped turns rogue,
And to crash, you can re
Without the former forces to resume their work,
And if you can do all that was
You're familiar, put on the table,
All play and start all over again,
Do not regret that bought,
And if you can the heart, nerves, veins
So to have to be carried forward,
As the years change forces
And only the will says, "Hold on!»
And if you can be in the crowd himself,
When the king and the people to keep communication
And, respecting any opinion,
The heads before the rumors are not clones,
And if you will measure the distance
Second, they fell to a distant jogging,
Land - yours, my boy, heritage,
And, in fact, you - man!
Translation S. Marshak. em>
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