20 educational channel on YouTube

Ways to learn about the world and learn something new, a great many. One of the easiest, and most importantly, free - browse interesting educational videos on the channel YouTube.
Website gathered for you 20 channels in Russian and English, which will help expand horizons and learn a lot of interesting things.
The channels in Russian: Postnauka: channel the popular eponymous portal. Here, scientists, researchers of various research institutes, teachers of Russian universities simply and competently talk about often virtually unknown things, and sometimes - on top. Nauchpok: rollers are hand-drawn animation is available disclosing this or that fact. < / Science and Technology: This site contains translations of videos of popular informative English-speaking channels. TED RUS: translated into Russian language video channel all known scientific community TED. It works: as in "science and technology", you can find a huge amount translated into Russian popular science videos. A simple science: the canal known popularizer of science among children Denis Mokhova shows clips from experiments in physics and chemistry, which will be interesting not only for children but also for adults. Lecture Obrazovacha: informative videos with stories about a particular field of knowledge and almost any topic.
Crash Course: Intensive course on world history, presented by John Green, covers 15,000 years of human civilization. Deeps Sky Videos: video course on the study of space objects. Intelligent Channel: well-known figures in the fields of education, art and culture to discuss current topics. Interviews with actors, directors, writers and musicians. Khan Academy: educational resource based graduate of Harvard offers free online lessons in different directions. Numberphile: designed for people who love numbers. Blogger Brady Haran discusses the stories behind the numbers. MinutePhysics: on this channel American physicist Henry Reich cleverly uses a fun and funny descriptions to explain the rather complex scientific concepts and ideas in just 60 seconds. Science Channel: popular science channel those who are interested in space, scientific discoveries and new technologies. TED-Ed: contains an extensive video library with the lessons. New lesson there every day, and on weekends held a debate on the topic. The Metropolitan Museum of Art: one of the most prestigious museums - the Metropolitan offers a plunge into the world of art history. ASAP Science: on this channel are responsible for various issues of concern to humanity: for example, why children seem so nice, and whether video games make us smarter. The style of animation allows us to explain complicated things simple and accessible language. National Geographic: resource contains information about wildlife, natural history, archeology, and more. Veritasium: blog author enthusiastically tells how to construct a variety of things. Exciting demonstrations of physical laws interwoven with interviews with scientists and discussions about the problems of science. Vsauce: Author channel Michael Stevens takes on a completely different aspect of our lives and is available explains why everything is just so and not otherwise. < / Discovery Channel: a great educational resource that tells about the world of science, natural science, anthropology, geography and technology.
via www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryNetworks