Life on Inle Lake

Inle - freshwater lake in the southern part of Shan State in Myanmar. The lake stretches 22 km from north to south and a width of about 10 km. The water level - 875 meters above sea level. On the islands and shores of the lake is 17 villages nation intha. The houses are built on stilts. A total of 70,000 people living lake.

Population grows vegetables, fruits, flowers. Characterized by the use of "floating gardens" - the islands, based on the weight of fertile marsh, which is attached to the bottom sharp poles. In a marshy shore held narrow channels, involving boats, punts and canoes. Since 1985 the lake area announced the Protection of Birds. The lake is adjacent town of Nyaung Shwe, the associated channel.

The lake and its surrounding areas are one of the main tourist attractions of Myanmar.


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