My eyes see double! 7 facts and a lot of photos from the festival of twins in Twinsburg
Translated into Russian, the name of the town and sounds - "the city of the twins." Every year here at the festival of twins come from different countries, not only copy-pair, but the trio kvartety.V beginning of the last century in the town Milsville, Ohio, settled twin brothers Aaron and Moses Uilkosy who are very proud of their absolute similarity: they never parted, were business partners, married two sisters and had lived in the same house (or even died in one day).
Uilkosy applied to the municipality with a request to rename the town in their honor in Twinsburg, offering in return 6 acres of their land and money to open the first local school.
In 1976, residents of Twinsburg decided that the best place for the festival of twins than their small town, you will not find on the planet, God told - with such a name ... The first celebration was attended by a total of 36 pairs of twins local.
Since then, the number of people willing to take part in the festival is constantly growing. In 2015, he gathered about 18 000 participants.
Crowds of "single" come take a look at the amazing spectacle, which doubles or even troitsya in the eyes, and secretly certainly envy. this lucky: because they have the first minutes of the birth of a friend, comrade and brother (sister) - a loving and understanding the second "I».
Twinsburg - not only the city, claiming the title of "world capital of the twins," but it takes place in the festival is the largest event of its kind. Its sponsors are regularly big brands like Pepsi.
via twins.popular.ru/famous/items/st30.html

Uilkosy applied to the municipality with a request to rename the town in their honor in Twinsburg, offering in return 6 acres of their land and money to open the first local school.

In 1976, residents of Twinsburg decided that the best place for the festival of twins than their small town, you will not find on the planet, God told - with such a name ... The first celebration was attended by a total of 36 pairs of twins local.

Since then, the number of people willing to take part in the festival is constantly growing. In 2015, he gathered about 18 000 participants.

Crowds of "single" come take a look at the amazing spectacle, which doubles or even troitsya in the eyes, and secretly certainly envy. this lucky: because they have the first minutes of the birth of a friend, comrade and brother (sister) - a loving and understanding the second "I».

Twinsburg - not only the city, claiming the title of "world capital of the twins," but it takes place in the festival is the largest event of its kind. Its sponsors are regularly big brands like Pepsi.

via twins.popular.ru/famous/items/st30.html
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