Fact of the day: the scientists were able to see death itself
The researchers recorded the death process on the example of a worm whose body from cell to cell spread of blue fluorescent waves, until the entire body is not umer.
The mechanism of death of individual cells is well understood: it causes a chemical chain reaction that leads to the destruction of parts of cells and the formation of molecular debris. However, until now, scientists had only a vague idea of how "death" spread throughout the body. Looking at the dying worm under the microscope, the researchers noticed how blue light waves pass through the intestines.
According to a study published in the «PloS Biology», cell death (necrosis) throughout the body due to the chemical reaction with calcium present in the cells.
"Taking into account all of the findings, we have questioned the popular theory that old age comes on as cells accumulate molecular damage. After studying the biological component of aging and death, we will be able to understand how to stop them, "- says Professor James.
via factroom.ru

The mechanism of death of individual cells is well understood: it causes a chemical chain reaction that leads to the destruction of parts of cells and the formation of molecular debris. However, until now, scientists had only a vague idea of how "death" spread throughout the body. Looking at the dying worm under the microscope, the researchers noticed how blue light waves pass through the intestines.
According to a study published in the «PloS Biology», cell death (necrosis) throughout the body due to the chemical reaction with calcium present in the cells.
"Taking into account all of the findings, we have questioned the popular theory that old age comes on as cells accumulate molecular damage. After studying the biological component of aging and death, we will be able to understand how to stop them, "- says Professor James.
via factroom.ru
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