Stuntman Evel Knievel broke his career record number of bones

Hard to say, lucky or unlucky was an American stuntman Evel Knievel. During his life he made a lot of tricks on the bike, but he broke the 37 different bones in your body and in total spent three years of his life in hospitals. However, despite this, he was able to live up to as much as 69 years!
One of the most spectacular jumps Iweala, through the fountains of the hotel-casino «Caesars Palace» in Las Vegas December 31, 1968, nearly cost him his life. On the money Knivel organized the shooting of the event, agreed with the television channel ABC, if the jump is successful, he will sell the recording for broadcast. He was able to fly over the fountains, but the landing was unsuccessful. The accident injured pelvis, hips, wrists, both ankles, plus it earned concussion and spent 29 days in a coma. Recording bought ABC, enjoyed resounding success. He knivel famous throughout the world at a time when doctors told him that he is unlikely to ever be able to walk without crutches, not something to ride a motorcycle. But in May 1969, the frenetic Knivel jumped over 15 cars Ford Mustang - and then broke his legs.
He wanted desperately to implement the most ambitious "flight" in his career - jump across the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but authorities banned the trick, and as a replacement he chose the Snake River Canyon in Idaho. On a motorcycle, more like a rocket flew over the precipice Knivel 100 meters, but was unable to reach the opposite side of the canyon. Thousands of spectators froze when he fell down, but to everyone's amazement, this time Knivel escaped with minor injuries.
Evel Knievel was in the Guinness Book of Records as the man to break his greatest number of bones in the world.
via factroom.ru