17 facts about Stephen King

1. King is a fan of the TV series Lost and wrote an article about this show for the newspaper «Entertainment Weekly». Rumors that the King wrote a book related to the TV series "Bad Twin" under the pseudonym Gary Traup have not been confirmed.
2. The author of "likes" doggie Snoopy, "mentions it in almost every novel».
3. The book "Rage" was withdrawn from sale. When in Kansas began to occur the actual shootings in school, juvenile delinquent, who killed three of his classmates found the publication of this book, after which the author has decided to withdraw the book from sale.
4. Stephen King is the creator of the fictional town of Castle Rock.
5. King's daughter Naomi was married to a woman named Tandeka working schoolteacher theology. The wedding was held in Nashville, Tennessee, in June 2000.
6. 304-page novel "Running Man" King wrote in just 10 days (source - "Memoirs of the Craft»).
7. Owns three radio stations in Maine.
8. In 1992, the wife of King sponsored the construction of the stadium, "Mansfield", and in 2002, Stephen made the first "pitch" in the opening match of the International Senor League Baseball.
9. King - a fan of baseball club "Boston Red Sox».
10. King - a fan of punk band «Ramones». Refrain from their cult song «Blitzkrieg Bop» «Hey-ho, let's go!» (Eng. "Hey-ho, and well, let's go!") Became the epigraph to the second part of the novel "Pet Sematary". In recognition «Ramones» wrote the song «Pet Sematary» (distorted. Eng., "Pet Sematary"), which sounds in the film.
11. King was recovering from al ogolnoy * and * to ainovoy dependence. (Source - his numerous references to this in many Afterword books and interviews. As an example, an epilogue to the "bag of bones" and "Memoirs of a craft»).
12. In 1988, King received an offer to write the script yourself and make a film "A Nightmare on Elm Street 5».
13. King does not use a mobile phone. Perhaps the reasons for this are disclosed in the novel "The Cell" (2006).
14. At the beginning of his literary career King, disillusioned with the failure of his stories, I throw the literature, but his wife dissuaded.
15. The first part of the video game «Silent Hill» there are some "easter eggs", refers to the work of King.
16. King is a writer on the series 10 Season 5 "Ching" series "The X-Files».
17. often sold the film rights to his works for $ 1 for beginners and already famous director, because he loves the film adaptation of his novels.
Source: www.muz4in.net
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