The Big Bang Theory came up with a Catholic priest

The Big Bang Theory was developed by a Catholic priest Georg Lamatrom. Lamatr called his theory "gipotezisom primeval atom." He developed the theory of the expanding universe, pointing to Einstein (together with other scientists) that in the mathematical formalism of general relativity contains a decision of the expanding universe. Einstein agreed to it only after 1930, visited one of the largest observatories in Europe.
Incidentally, the name "Big Bang Theory" was coined as a joke. English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who believed in a stable universe, and denied the theory of the Big Bang, Big Bang Theory, was the person who came up with the name of the theory. The fact is that in 1949 he was invited to the radio to explain their point of view on the existence of the universe. And, mocking the theory of the Big Bang, the name of which then consisted of 15 words, he said, «Big Bang», describing the impossible, in his opinion, the scenario of the universe.
Source: primeinfo.net.ru
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