The Austrian-made pastafarianets picture rights to the colander on his head
Austrian citizen Niko Alm got a driver's license, which he photographed with a colander on his head. Austrian used kitchen items as a religious headdress.
Niko Alm applied for a driver's license for more than 3 years ago. The documents were attached and a photo. According to Austrian law, in hats photographed in the papers is not permitted, except in cases where this conflict with their religious beliefs. Niko Alm said that professes pastafarianstvo. And the adherents of this doctrine believe in a giant flying monster pasta and a colander on his head is a mandatory part of the ritual appearance pastafariantsa.
Before you issue a driver's license, the officials forced Alma undergo a medical examination by a psychiatrist confirming the ability to drive.
The next step will be the recognition of Nico Alma in Austria pastafarianstva official religion.
Pastafarianskaya church appeared in 2005 by the American physicist Bobby Henderson in protest at the replacement rate in the school curriculum of evolutionary theory the concept of "intelligent design».
This religion is most common among students and thousands of followers.
According pastafarianstvu only allowed dogma - a denial of dogma. The basic truth is that the invisible giant flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe after drinking a lot of alcohol. Every Friday is a religious holiday, and pirates pastafariantsy regard as absolute divine beings.
via factroom.ru
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