Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Báthory entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular serial killer in history
Hungarian countess, niece of the King of Poland Stefan Batory Foundation, the infamous mass murder of young girls.
According to the testimony of the father Jesuit Turoshi Laszlo and Dr. Zoltan Meder, afraid of losing their youth and attractiveness, Elizabeth Bathory bathed each week in a bath filled with the blood of young virgins. The total number of dead virgins (according to various sources) - from 30 to 650 people. The latter figure has not been proved, but allowed the Countess to announce the most "mass" serial killer of all time, and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.
The exact time when Elizabeth started killing women is unknown. It is believed that this occurred between 1585 and 1610. It is likely that the husband and relatives knew about it and tried it in this limit. Most of the victims were local peasant. In 1610, rumors of killings began to reach the Habsburg court and the emperor Matthew instructed Count Palatine of Hungary Dёrdyu Thurzo to investigate the case. 29 December 1610 Thurzo with armed groups broke into the castle and caught Elizabeth Bathory with improvised, tried another victim. Despite the evidence, and even the fact that she was locked in her own castle for a while, allegedly for her own safety until she appeared in court, Elizabeth was never brought to trial - a big name family Bathory (brother Chahtitskoy Mrs. Gabor Bathory, was the ruler of Transylvania) did their job. However, the rest of her life, Elizabeth held captive in an underground dungeon own Chahtitskogo castle, where she took care of a doting servant that was set over daughters, calmly and without adversity lived more than three years, and died on the night of August 21, "in the summer of 1614 from Christmas ". The trial of improvised Countess held January 2, 1611 in Bitchanskom Castle - the residence of D. Palatine Thurzo. All of them were sentenced to death. Dorothea Szentes maids, Ilona Jo, and Katharina Benitska burned alive, after cutting off his fingers. Servant Jan Uyvaryu Fitsko beheaded. These events formed the basis of a number of scenes of horror movies and drama films ("Countess Dracula" (1971), "The Countess" (2009), and others.).
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
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