1 carat weight initially corresponded to the 1st grain of carob

This ancient measure was first introduced in the bazaars of the Middle East and Asia. The basis weight then took a seed of the carob tree, which was called in Greek keration. Jewelers use these seeds, because their weight was almost unchanged, which means that they are suitable for reliable measurement of the weight of the small and expensive gems. Still, the scale was approximately the same stone can weigh in Amsterdam than in Lisbon. Therefore, in 1877, several eminent merchants of London, Paris and Amsterdam met to resolve this misunderstanding. Now carat anywhere in the world should be 205 mg. The next generation of businessmen and criticized this figure and Europe since 1907 carat is equal to one fiftieth of a gram.
If you are going to get jewelry, remember that carat - a unit of weight, not size. Emerald, for example, diamond is easier, and hence emerald one carat will appear larger than one carat diamond. But in the case of identical materials, carat weight and is a certain size, so with the right cut of diamond, diamond weight of 1, 00 ct has a diameter of 6, 5 mm.
Source: www.znaeteli.ru
via factroom.ru
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