In Siberia, is the largest in the world bog area of 53 000 sq. km

Vasyugan swamp is located in the center of Siberia. This is a huge swamp, aged about 9000 years and an area the size of Switzerland, is the largest in the world. Its length from west to east - 573 km, from north to south - 320 km. Vasyugan swamp stretched by as much as three areas: Tomsk, Omsk and Novosibirsk.

Vasyugan swamp has a huge impact on the environment. It is the main source of fresh water in the region, it implies a lot of rivers, and its evaporation regulates the climate balance in the vast territory. Furthermore, extracted from the swamp gas, oil and peat.

On marsh preserve the unique flora and fauna, here you can find rare and endangered species of plants and animals. For example, reindeer, ptarmigan, golden eagles, as well as mink, otter, wolverine, and many others. On marsh tussocks grow valuable medicinal plants and berries: cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries. It is planned to give it the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
via factroom.ru
There is a disease in which a person on all the time smells of rotten fish
There Principality of Sealand, the territory of which 0, 00055 sq. km, and the population - 3 people