Blue roses exist

Red roses, which can often be heard, initially in the family Rosaceae was not. At Rose missing a gene responsible for the red color. This color will appear as a result of a genetic mutation about 1930. Because of this, today we can admire the bright red flowers of various hues.

In all this variety of long lacked a single color - blue. From the nature of the missing gene in roses, which produces blue pigment delphinidin.

In 2004, the year in American laboratories involved in the development of drugs for the treatment of cancer and Alzheimer's disease, during the experiments, was isolated from the liver of a certain enzyme. When he entered the studied bacteria, the last color has changed dramatically - they were blue. So there has been a revolutionary shift in the investigations were stalled on the "coloring" of colors, and in the history of blue roses began a new count - a complex genetically engineered.

"Constructed" a mythical flower in three stages: the first - the addition of the gene responsible for the presence of pigment blue - delphinidin (isolated from the trivial pansies), the second - the activation and strengthening of "blue in the face" by adding one more gene (isolated from the iris), the third - inhibition of "resistance" rose artificially created by adding a gene (the one who "painted" bacteria in the laboratory of Americans).

Source: and < / a>
